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  1. Another 1988P Rev of 89 RDV-006
  2. 1983-p 1DR-001
  3. (2) New Lathe Lines
  4. Finally got around to matching
  5. Lathe Lines
  6. 3rd attributed
  7. 1984-p double die obverse
  8. 1955 slabbed coin
  9. 1953 d/d
  10. No doubt...a new one
  11. 1955d-1mm-002
  12. 1941 - Unsure, 2nd Opinion
  13. 2005 doubled colmn.?
  14. Havent seen this DDO find Posted in awhile!!!
  15. 1949-p LWC
  16. possible 55D rpm?
  17. 1959d rpm?
  18. 1999-p new discovery?,,,need help
  19. New Extra Column
  20. Mushy DDO
  21. 2006 column
  22. Need Pics of the 1991 D Rev
  23. 1982P With an Enlarged (2)
  24. 1927
  25. Which One?
  26. 1984-p 1do-001
  27. 1909 VDB #2 DDO's
  28. Top 10 Trail find ---1994-DER-023T
  29. Only one better
  30. question about 1990 doubled columns
  31. 1982 ddo
  32. Darn the Luck!
  33. 1940-s ddr?
  34. 1983P ddo
  35. 99P New Trail Find Not an Easy Task!!!
  36. Brick find
  37. 2008p ddr
  38. New find
  39. New find # 2
  40. 1989 d rpm which one ??
  41. 2011-p 1der-005t
  42. 1972-d 1do-001???
  43. Is it strong enouph to list?
  44. 1946-d LWC?
  45. 1971-p 1do-003
  46. 1984-d d/d
  47. 2004-p ddr
  48. 1994p-1der-002wst
  49. 1994p-1der-062wst
  50. 1991-D Doubled Die Reverse Column??
  51. Just another 80s find
  52. A nice RPM
  53. Repunched MM
  54. Circulated
  55. Ddr
  56. 1984-p 1dr-001
  57. 1996P WIDE AM- Revisited
  58. 2002-P with Possible New DDR
  59. Super Newbie Question, S mint
  60. 1963 d is this a rpm ???
  61. A nice 46 d with a mint mark I cannot match
  62. 1947-d/d?
  63. 1936 ddo?
  64. 1995-p 1do-001
  65. Possibly a new rpm
  66. what do think a 1988 d rdv006 ???
  67. New RPM Variety?
  68. 1928-D Doubling
  69. My first WAM
  70. 1950-S Interesting Die Gouges
  71. Not certain it's double columns
  72. Thickness in Liberty
  73. Close to #14
  74. My second find
  75. 2011-P Trails
  76. Doubled knees and columns
  77. Inverted S MM?
  78. 1925-s ddo!
  79. 1913 ddo! Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease
  80. What do you think, RPM or no?
  81. New find
  82. Double Die Success!
  83. 2004p-1dr-009
  84. 1996-d ddr
  85. Ddr?
  86. 2001 p ddr
  87. 1995 D and 1935
  88. Another '04 DDR
  89. 1993-D New DDR Listing
  90. 1970D Doubled Die
  91. 1934-d ddo
  92. 1982p-1do-002
  93. Possible new ddr
  94. New 2004 P DDR
  95. Not sure
  96. Unmatched
  97. Die # 2
  98. Could be either 001 or 003
  99. 1mm-002
  100. 1985p 1do 001
  101. 1998d die ring!!!!
  102. AMAZING MY 9th of THESE!
  103. another 96 ddr?
  104. 1994-P Wavy Steps
  105. 52 RPM not listed?
  106. Three 2009D (Birth In Kentucky) DDRs
  107. 1988 Dbl ear?? Need help w/this one please
  108. 1938D Combination Variety
  109. 2005d double die reverse
  110. 1979-d
  111. Help me
  112. New to CC? '03 DDR
  113. 1992-d ddr?
  114. 1963D-1MM-002 D/D West (MDS)
  115. 2004 DDR Redoux
  116. First for me
  117. 1930-d/d
  118. Light trails
  119. 2001P ddo EARLOBE
  120. 1964 d.d.r.???
  121. This would be...
  122. New DDO
  123. '99 d ddr
  124. My EV7070 Memorial
  125. Been looking for this one for a little while too
  126. Possible DDO?
  127. DDR or LCRR (lincoln center resource reject)
  128. 1995 Trails
  129. 1960 rpm
  130. 2005P Double Die Reverse
  131. 2005P Double Die Reverse
  132. 2005P Double Die Reverse
  133. New 1944 Lincoln DDO
  134. 1954-s ddo-001
  135. 2006P Double Die Reverse
  136. 1992 ddr columns ???
  137. Had to give these a quick 2nd look
  138. Wheel Chair Ramp or pmd?
  139. 2003P Double Die Reverse
  140. Maybe another one
  141. New Trail Die find
  142. New Trail Die find Obv/Rev
  143. Is this Doubling or MD?
  144. Pmd?
  145. 1943 D/D rpm ?
  146. 1956 ddo
  147. '99 Trails
  148. 1957d-1do-002
  149. 1957d-1do-014
  150. 1995 trails. I think, new.
  151. 04 ddr
  152. 1979d d/s?
  153. Listed as WS
  154. Found 1972 Die#4 reverse
  155. Possible double columns 1990
  156. 1983-D 1c WDDO-002
  157. 2000 1c WDDR-020/CDDR-017 "Inverted Statue"
  158. 1990 1c WDDR-007/CDDR-002 "Extra Floors" Variety
  159. 2004 p ddr/o
  160. is this any thing ????
  161. Cheap Pick
  162. 1994-P 1DER-081WST now #2
  163. 1999 DDR not listed
  164. Forgotten about
  165. Forgotten #2
  166. 1958d-1mm-001 d/d/d mds
  167. 1993 DDR New?
  168. 1999 P Wide AM
  169. 1983 p ddo 1
  170. 1983 p ddo 6
  171. 1963 d ddo 1
  172. 1972 p ddo-008
  173. LWC Coneca-004?
  174. DDO-Class 8
  175. Ddr
  176. Any driving you nuts?
  177. 2 RPM's and one DDO
  178. Trying this out...here goes!
  179. ANACS- Attributed Wavy Steps/Trail Dies
  180. Attributed-2006P
  181. Attributed 1998 Trails
  182. Wheat
  183. Im all ears! prt1
  184. All ears, prt 2
  185. Really, really need help...
  186. 1970-S Large Date, DDO, FS-101 (029) (2nd Example)
  187. Ev7070 1909 vdb
  188. Ddo?
  189. Wavy steps
  190. 1986-d rpm
  191. 1972 DDO help
  192. MAD Clash?
  193. 2006 with strange ear
  194. 1959-d rpm-009 d/d/d/d
  195. Finally Found One!
  196. They Can Still Be Found In Circulation
  197. Rather Obscure Doubled Die Obverse
  198. 1986 1c Doubled Earlobe
  199. Found 2004P-1DR-002/CDDR-004
  200. Finally found one of these!
  201. 2 wheat. I...
  202. 1970S-1DO-003P Lamination Error
  203. Looks like the one jean found
  204. 1992-D Double Die Reverse
  205. 1968 d rpm
  206. Worthwhile getting attributed?
  207. Just found 1936 DDO
  208. Another trail from latest brick
  209. Nice ddr 2009p
  210. 1999-D Lincoln Holding Scepter..?
  211. Finally found one
  212. 1955-D 1c DDO#1 "Doubled Eye" Variety
  213. 1984p lmc 1 do -001
  214. 1983 1c DDR Die #2
  215. Trails
  216. 1960 Lrg/Sm RPM
  217. 1989 P RDV 005 or 006?
  218. Early die state.
  219. Another '97 P DDO?
  220. Magnetic Doubled Die Reverse
  221. 2004 ddr
  222. 1982-p ddo # 2
  223. Just found my fifth RDV-006 !
  224. 1996 P Trails 1DER 015
  225. 1972P DDO #3 My first DDO from bank roll
  226. 1988 RDV-005 or 006???/
  227. 2001 D Possible Doubled Earlobe
  228. 2004p 1dr-009
  229. 2004p 1dr-016
  230. 2004-D possible DDR
  231. Too close for me to call ODV-28
  232. 1988D-1DO-001 I think?
  233. 1970-s small date
  234. Extra Columns 2 and 3
  235. 2003 1c CDDR-010 Updated Photos
  236. Need Help With This 2006P DDR Please!!!!
  237. 2004 1c CDDR-011 "Extra Arch" Variety
  238. 1983 ddo #3 i think ?? the markers dont match
  239. 1999d-1dr-002
  240. ddo 1958p 002???
  241. whats your opinion on this one ?? not listed on coppercoins
  242. Another 1909 VDB DDO#2
  243. 1972 Proof Kennedy DDO/DDR
  244. 1988P RDV-005 or 006 ?
  245. 1986 d rpm
  246. Eighth Example Found In Circulation
  247. 2001-D 1c CDDO-001
  248. Clash
  249. X - knees
  250. Like #008?