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  1. Adding to my WAM count
  2. Could someone help with an overlay?
  3. 2006P-1DO-003 ( Third Example )
  4. Lathe Lines LL-015 #2 ?
  5. 2011 1c CDDO-009 New Listing
  6. 2003 DDO new?
  7. Group of coins found roll searching!!!!!!
  8. 1984 ear: doubled or something else?
  9. Not so easy Year to find DDR
  10. 2004 Doubled Die Obverse/Reverse
  11. 1985-D 1c CRPM-004
  12. MDC-1c-1997 a, b, & c
  13. '99 Trails/new
  14. Rdv 5 or 6 you vote
  15. Is this Doubling or lighting trickery?
  16. 1939 1do-001
  17. 2004p double die reverse
  18. 1972 Doubled Die Lincoln cent question?
  19. 2004p not listed varieties found today
  20. 2004p listed doubled dies
  21. 1982 Doubled Die Obverse (Copper Large Date)
  22. 1988d rdv-006?
  23. 1944 D/D Over Horizontal D?
  24. 1961-D 1c CRPM-032 Earlier Die Stage?
  25. Hard time attributing these two coins!!
  26. Nice 1939P 1DO-001
  27. New 2011 P DDO just added to CC's
  28. 1939P double eye lid?
  29. Could this be 1960-D-1DO-003?
  30. Another possible double eye lid.
  31. 1936p 1do-002
  32. 88 no fg
  33. 87 double ear
  34. 1947 s/s rpm 6
  35. Decent Class VI 1983 DDO
  36. This one was Lurking in a Brick from Atlanta
  37. Trails
  38. 1949-d rpm-010
  39. 1944 d/s omm-002
  40. 1999d, 2000d, 2001d fun finds
  41. 1922 Plain
  42. 1972D-1DO-002 Class I (LDS)
  43. Trail find
  44. 2nd Trail find
  45. Trail find #3
  46. JC's find
  47. Just found Trail Die Find
  48. Need some help with this RPM - (Attributed Correctly) THANKS ALL
  49. Like 1DO-002 but not all of it
  50. 1986 d rpm
  51. '93 P Mucho waves
  52. 1979 rpm
  53. 1972 DDO ( 1DO-008 or 003 )??
  54. 2011P Lincoln cent with anomaly
  55. Class VI
  56. Again...trails
  57. Reverse extra column
  58. From my listed find
  59. 1994p-1deo-001t
  60. New 2011P Trails???
  61. 2009 DDR Could you help?
  62. RDV-005 or 006?
  63. Unsure of what I'm seeing or not seeing?
  64. 2004 D Reverse
  65. Neat Pocket Change Find-1970-S Small Date
  66. Doubled 7th column
  67. 1960 d/d rpm 13 (+) ?
  68. Found another 1972 DDO in my coin bucket
  69. 1988-d lmc rdv-006
  70. 1969-D Missing Designer's Initials
  71. Found in a roll 1972D-1DO-003
  72. 2011P Cent Obverse T/D ??
  73. 1939 1do-004
  74. 1939 1DO-001 another
  75. 1936p 1do-003
  76. Is this a Trail die?
  77. 1951-d-ddo
  78. 1972 Doubled Die Obverse Die #7
  79. Not sure what to make of this mint mark
  80. Long Die Crack and more...I think?
  81. Nice rpm
  82. cant match this up
  83. Found 5th (6th) WAM for the year
  84. Another 1939 1DO-004
  85. YEA another 1939P 1DO-001
  86. New Find
  87. Which RPM Is This?
  88. Having tough time with this 96D LL
  89. 2006 possible double ear
  90. 2003 P Doubled Knees ??
  91. 1948-s doubled die obverse
  92. 2006p doubled die obvese
  93. Is this MD
  94. 1993p doubled die reverse (new find)
  95. New discovery not listed 1997p doubled die reverse
  96. 2000p possible doubled ear lobe!!!!!
  97. Trails and a DDO
  98. 1952 D/D -1mm-002 ?
  99. 1964p-DDR
  100. Extra columns
  101. Extra thumb
  102. Wavy steps
  103. Wavy steps/extra feet
  104. 1968D WRPM 001 TOP 100 or ????
  105. 1935 1do-001
  106. 2011 trail find
  107. Another 1935P 1DO-001
  108. Lot of 2005p doubled die reverses….
  109. Lot of 2006p doubled die reverse's!!!!!
  110. Extra column?
  111. FY 2009 listed as...
  112. Reverse #18
  113. Knees and C7B6
  114. Nice 2004 P Find!
  115. 1947 D Double 7 ?
  116. Nice 1998 P Trail Die
  117. 1996 D Lincoln Cent (CUD) Variety
  118. 2006 Doubled Ear
  119. Reverse trail find
  120. New trail die find
  121. Reverse trails
  122. 88d rev 89
  123. New Doubled Earlobe
  124. Listed 2011 trails
  125. Minor DDO
  126. Obv trails
  127. 1943 s/s/s ?
  128. 88 rpm?
  129. Rdv-006
  130. Oldie but Nice to find in Circulation
  131. Maybe LDS?
  132. A very nice RPM
  133. Here I go again!
  134. DDR FORMATIVE YEARS. Could not match on CC.
  135. Possible unlisted 1962-d ddo
  136. Bu 1961d-1mm-047
  137. Doubled Ear Variety is still around (#5)
  138. 1953-d/d rpm
  139. 1958 d rpm
  140. 2011 ddo 1do-004 # 6 & 7
  141. dont know if i posted this before but
  142. Is this a 1946 S/D OMM #1?
  143. 1949-s/s/s rpm (lds)
  144. 1999p need help!!!!!!!!!!!
  145. Seldom seen Variety
  146. 1953-d/d rpm #2 this wk.
  147. 1953-d/d rpm 1mm-006
  148. 1960d-1mm-005
  149. 1972 unusual thickness of date
  150. Repunched mint mark
  151. New die
  152. 1988d rdv-006 with one ??
  153. 1989p ddo
  154. Check out these trails!
  155. More trails
  156. Got some more...
  157. Trails and a minor DDO
  158. 1988p doubled die obverse
  159. 1960 ld doubled die reverse (epu)
  160. 2004p doubled die obverse
  161. Two 1963D RPMs?
  162. 2007p doubled die obverse!!!!!!!
  163. 1988p doubled die obverse #2
  164. 1989p doubled die obverse
  165. Never posted this one before...
  166. Extra feet
  167. 1989 possible DDR of initials
  168. 2009P Great Doubled Die Find (PL)
  169. Nice Trail Die find?
  170. cherrypicked 10s rpm #2
  171. Had some good finds today, here's one...
  172. Could it be....
  173. 2003 DDR not listed
  174. Possible DDO
  175. 1988-P RDV-006 Die Pair #4, Stage "B"
  176. What you think?
  177. Another strange marks in memorial
  178. Haven't seen this one listed anywhere
  179. 94-P Trails
  180. Lathe Lines/Trail Die combo?
  181. 2011 doubling on date-may not be listed
  182. 1988 Trails 1DER-003t
  183. Minor
  184. Another Minor
  185. Yet another Minor
  186. 3 2011p-1do-004 in a row!!!
  187. 1964D Class II DDR
  188. 1983d-1do-001?
  189. 2011 ddo-new die discovery?
  190. 2004 Doubled Die Reverse
  191. New RPM find
  192. Trail die #1
  193. Which one is #1?
  194. New die
  195. New x column find
  196. Wavy steps-A lot going on
  197. Finally, something to brag about
  198. A possible new wavy steps
  199. 1987 D Strong RPM
  200. Another possible new die
  201. Possible Triple Die
  202. 1935-s dd
  203. 1937-d rpm
  204. Uh oh, at it again
  205. Another one?
  206. Need another opinion
  207. Another 1984 DDO
  208. 2006 Ear
  209. 1946-D RPM#1 or #7
  210. 2009 D Formative Years DDR
  211. 1962D-1MM-002? Picked a shiny beauty!!
  212. (2) 1970S RPMs?
  213. Cannot match this one
  214. 1998p need help with this!!!!!
  215. 1968s 1do-002
  216. New RPMs can still be found
  217. 2009 FY Nice DDR's can still be found.
  218. 1988-D (RDV-006) Found in Circulation
  219. 1956d rpm
  220. Another 1956D RPM
  221. Wavy steps
  222. Log Cabin
  223. New trail die find EPL..
  224. Another 61 RPM
  225. 2011 trail find #8
  226. 1955S Tripled eyelid
  227. Sad day for an RPM
  228. 2009p 1dr-007
  229. A three-fer
  230. 2006p 1do-018
  231. 2006p 1do-014 ?
  232. Trails afraid to be photographed
  233. Cannot quite decide if these are
  234. New 1968-S PR 1DO-005P
  235. Trails & minor DD
  236. Found a nice 1964P-1DR-005!
  237. 1953-D 1c RPM
  238. 1994 Wavy Step??
  239. A very nice DDO Class II & VI
  240. 2008 Wavy Step ??
  241. 2011P-1DO-008 MDS discovery piece follow up
  242. 1983 Doubled Die Obverse
  243. Possible new 1988 DDO
  244. First Doubled Ear Find For Me
  245. 1964 1c CDDR-013 Updated Photos
  246. (2) 1969D "No FG"
  247. 2011 Trails
  248. 1960 ddr
  249. No one has it listed as far as my search so...
  250. 2003p doubled die reverse