- Found & ID'd a nice EDS 2006 DDO-023
- Found my 21st 2011-1DO-004
- Need help with 1961D RPM west
- Found My 8th One Out Circulation.
- Could this be 89 with an 88 rev?
- 1961-D Single Roll Finds
- Does this look familiar? 69D
- New find
- 1909 v.d.b. Ddo#2
- Window double
- New trail find
- New reverse trail find
- 2006d-1dr-001
- Mint mark
- Liberty double?
- 1962d rpm
- Found 1963D-1DO-001
- Nice 2009 FY DDR find today
- 2011p-1do-007
- Need help with a trail die find!
- My first
- Need help w/ possible 1988 Doubled ear
- Formative year ddr's from last brick
- Formitive year ddr finds in last brick #2
- Formitive ddr finds from last brick #3
- Formitive year ddr find in brick #4
- Not sure which DDO this is!
- Got on a roll last night!
- Check out this neat trail die
- 1964p-1do-011
- 1936 DDO Question
- 2011 ddo?
- Super find after exhausting week
- Just found 1995 DDO-001
- Doubled Column?
- Friends at work give a surprise
- 1928 RPM a little different.
- 1941 ddo
- Is this a trail die?
- 1941-P 1DO-002 We Think
- Nice cherrypicker RPM
- D/s cherrypicker
- Major Trail Die Found (1999P-1DER-033T Stage "_?_")
- Another 1944D RPM-002
- Found # 23 & #24 2011-004 DDO
- class 6 doubling?
- 1998P Trails
- The one I missed
- 2004-P Doubled Die Reverse (#39 RAW)
- Cool Pocket change find today
- a little doubling?
- Found #35 2011 1DO-004
- 1909 v.d.b. Fs-1102
- 1982 Lg Date Zinc Doubled Die Obverse?
- 2001D New DDO?
- 1994P Obv. Trails
- 1934D Cherrypicker
- Is this a doubled die or MD?
- isthis a rpm ??? d/d or d/s??
- I need BJ to take a look at this one
- WOW!! Another first for me!!!!
- 2004 Dropped Ceiling
- 1944-d/s 1omm-002
- 1989 rpm?
- Opinions? 1946-S inverted mintmark
- 2003P DDR New
- 1995-p ddo #2
- New Tilted Column DDR..?
- Why aren't there any 1974-S RPM's listed?
- 1944 double ear?
- 2011-p: Ddo #8
- 1956-d rpm #1
- 1955 S/S/S North
- 1989D-1MM-009 D/D South
- 1956 d/d and 1958 d/dew rpms possible what do think ????
- First 2001P-1DO-001 found!
- 1997-p 1do-001 # 4
- 2001p-1dr-????
- 1998-D Wavy Steps?
- Stage A 1909 VDB #2 DDO
- 1972 DDO? Which one?
- Here's a pretty cool one. 1995D-1DO-006.
- Maybe die #6
- 2009 ddr
- New DDR??
- 1984p-1do-003
- Would this be considered an extra column (1993D)
- Would you say this is stage(A) 1994P-DER-023T
- Another beautiful traildie 1996P-DER-019T
- Found this one tonight...
- 2 more bricks today hoping to find more indian cents
- Another nice DDO from bank brick
- Just cant nail this 1983P DDO...Help!!
- 1946 S over D lincoln Cent
- 2011-p 1do-004
- 1909-vdb 1do-002
- 2004-P Doubled Die Reverse (#40 RAW)
- 1955-d 1do-001?
- 1954s rpm
- Unlisted
- Another 1972P DDO
- Appears to be class 6?
- any ideal what one i cant figure it out ???
- 2006d ddr
- Nice 2011P Trail Die
- 1972-D Doubled Die?
- AU/BU DDO? Could it Be this time?
- Another Major Find 1995P-1DER-017WST
- Must be Raining Major trail dies
- Need some help with a MAJOR trail die
- 2006p ddr
- 2011 Doubled Die Obverse 1DO-004 (#37)
- Combo DDO & tripple RPM
- Is this notching?
- I know I see a die crack
- This 1970-D Class 7 DDO might be new to CC
- 1993p ddr?
- One of my favorites!!
- need help please
- '55d rpm 14
- Maybe Another for Bob
- 2011 Doubled Die Obverse 1DO-004 (#38)
- 2004 ddr. 002?
- 2006 ddo
- just found a nice bu 1958 d d/d/d/d/d/ #21
- A few RPM finds
- Found #2 2004-1DR-002
- is this a rpm ??
- Class V
- Hope I'm right
- Minor Wavy steps
- Minor DDO
- 1972-P DDO Die #2
- 1989D-1MM-004 (11-29-11) (Coin has been attributed)
- POSSIBLE 1943S rpm
- My long awaited purchase.
- Could this be a double die?
- Strong MD
- 1951D maybe RPM
- 1936d rpm-001
- Need some serious Trail help
- 1958ddo
- Stage D 1909 V.D.B. FS-1102
- You never know what you will find in a roll
- This look like a doubled die
- 2011 DDO (1DO-004) Find #39
- First brick in over a year....
- could this be a Doubled Ear
- Recent 1/2 Roll Find :)
- A Very Major Trail Die Discovered
- 2011p 1do-007
- 1944-d/d fs-01-1944d-503 (021.1)
- New Find For Me! 1939-S 1D0-001
- Very excited!! New ddr found "unlisted"
- DDO? help...
- 1988d rpm cant find it on coppercoins ??new??
- 1988d could this be a d??
- 1986 d rpm new one ???
- 1982 d could this be a d ???
- New RPM in Wexler's files
- 1972-P DDO found in roll-but which one?
- Something new?
- 2011p Designers initals anomaly MDD ?
- 2011-P 1DER-007T Trail Die
- 2004 Memorial Reverse Anomaly
- 1973-d 1mm-007?
- 2011-P reverse intials doubling?
- 1959d clashed
- Is this a possible new 2004 DDR ( Motto )?
- Which one is this?
- whatcha think of this 44 d/s #2
- 1980 d 1mm-001?
- Trail Die Variety ?
- 1980-P DDO New close-up pic added 12/3
- Wavy step #5
- New trail die
- New ddr ex-knees
- Die Clash and what missing hair?
- 2011 p 1do 006?
- Gouge or Doubling?
- Found 2011P-1DO-004 #25
- I need some confirmation please
- 1939-s-1do-001
- 1962 triple 2?
- 1994 D, Trails? rotated DDR? clash?
- Ginormous 1946-d/d ... Or monster die clash
- 1972-P 1DO-008 or 1DO-006 ??
- 1972-P DDO Which one?
- 2011 DDO magnet got very HOT today
- 1988 d
- 1998-P Wide AM
- 2009-p fy 1dr-012 ?
- They're still out there!
- 1944-d/d
- A neat RPM
- 2000-P wide am
- 1953 d/d #1
- 1955d double eye
- Possible columns?
- 1936 Doubled Eyelid?
- 1983 ddr ?
- YAHOOOOO!!!!! My first 1988 RDV-006
- 1962-d rpm???
- Abrasion or Something Else?
- Could this be a new DDO?
- RPM find
- New RPM find
- Not listed
- Posted weeks ago
- New trail find
- Not sure...
- 1987 d/d mm
- 1909 V.D.B. DDO#2 Possibly A VLDS
- Another 1972 DDO find
- 1942 ddr?
- Need opinions on this one
- I Think I found a good one
- Doubled?
- 1968-D RPM or Machine
- Number four
- 1960-d rpm/1mm ????
- 2011 1¢ wddo-006
- 1988d rpm
- Steps???
- New Discovery Piece Attributed
- Wavy steps listed in "RED"
- I believe this is my....
- 1960 d ddo?
- 56-d rpm?
- Don't think one exists? 1999 ddo
- Here is another 1999P
- My First Wavy Steps!
- 1956D-1OM-002 Over-mint mark
- 1982P LMC 1 DO-002 or "New find?"
- New acquisition
- Stilll finding minor trails
- ....at least they look cool
- Last find in the brick
- Found 1939-D 1MM-001 RPM
- Find Number #40 from circulation
- 1974 ddo #2
- 1962-D 1MM-002 Verified
- Nice one
- 1993 Lathe Lines
- Rowing trail lines,got to love them!!
- Finds of the 2 weeks...
- 1960-P Small Date
- 2011P Obv ddo/ Rev trail die
- Rude Lincoln
- unknown by me