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  1. 1960d-1mm-028 :)
  2. 1972-d ddo?
  3. 1964 DDR - which die: 9, 10, or neither??
  4. Haven't tried to attribute this one yet.
  5. A few nice finds from last night.
  6. Not Sure About this One
  7. :) 1995D-1DO-002 yah yah
  8. 1960-D rpm-162 ?
  9. 1960-D-rpm-021 ? unusual one
  10. 1982-P 1DO-002 - The 3RD This Year!!!!!
  11. 1971-P Doubled Die Obverse?
  12. 1989-1do-007?
  13. 1968 S and 1969 S MM question
  14. Well-placed die chip?
  15. 1964-D 1MM-002 - I Think
  16. Yet another 1983 DDR from the peanut can !
  17. Minor double die
  18. My listed find
  19. RDV-005 maybe
  20. Maybe number 5?
  21. 1983P Die Trail
  22. My oldest Trails find to date
  23. RPM or Die gouge on this 1959D?
  24. Nice trail die find
  25. Looks like a DDO? With a Trail Die Rev.
  26. 77-D and 78-D worth searching?
  27. Worn die or DBL Obverse
  28. LIB-I-ERTY (BIE) Collecting - Chips & Cracks
  29. 1983-p 1do-001?
  30. Two Options on This One
  31. The gravy train continues!
  32. #21 for 2011-p 1do-004
  33. 2005P-1DR-029 Woo Hoo!
  34. 1999p-1dr-006
  35. 1999P Reverse Trails
  36. 1988-P RDV006 - Dirty!
  37. 1949 D RPM help
  38. 1935p-1do-001
  39. 1958D RPM - which one is this ?
  40. 1941-P DDO finally
  41. Results from 1 roll of 1951-D's (ON LCR TOP 50 RPM LIST)
  42. 1961-D 1mm-003 ?
  43. 60-d rpm#11
  44. 2011 ddo
  45. 1960D D over D west - which listing ??
  46. Found in Bank Roll
  47. 1930s 1ov ddo
  48. Trails, no die markers
  49. 1935 D RPM or damage?
  50. In search of something I've already had!
  51. 1958 D RPM need help
  52. 2009p -ddr 1dr007
  53. 1988p rdv-006
  54. 1941-p 1do-001
  55. 2011p-1do-004
  56. What variety is this?
  57. 1988 rdv-006 my first
  58. 2001 P Possible DDR or whaever you call something like this?
  59. 2001 D strange marks on Liberty maybe a DDO?
  60. 1984d
  61. Here's a fun one.. hope Bob sees it.
  62. Solid bag of zincs
  63. Recent finds
  64. odd 1936
  65. just pulled a nice 1955 ddo#2
  66. 1994-D Reverse Extra Columns ?
  67. New 1998 P DDR
  68. 2011 P sort of looks like a DDO
  69. There's just something I like about these kinds of DDO's
  70. 1956 d & d #8 are this not that hard to find
  71. Found this DDO today
  72. My Irish luck!
  73. 2012 Obv. Trails again.
  74. 1979 d rpm
  75. 1964-p 1dr-010 ?
  76. 1979D I'm looking for a possible DDO
  77. New 28D MM
  78. New Trail Die for 2011?
  79. 1994-P 1DER-023T - Reverse Trail Die
  80. 1925s ddo-001
  81. 1968 d rpm
  82. 2006p ddo
  83. 1979d-1mm-003 ?
  84. 1943 must see
  85. Possible 88D WS
  86. 61D MM Help needed
  87. Very nice Rev. doubling.
  88. Another DDR I can't match on CC.
  89. 2006 ddo
  90. '74 Bay #6??
  91. 1960-d 1mm-015
  92. 1917-D Is this anything?
  93. 1961 D/D North?
  94. 1961 d rpm #8?
  95. 1968 S need help
  96. 1952 d
  97. 1916 S Wheat CUD?
  98. 1963 D RPM new ?
  99. Cherrypicked
  100. Nice Example 60D-1mm-003
  101. 2011-p 1do-004
  102. 2011-p 1do-006
  103. 1985d-1mm-001
  104. 1956d rpm #8!
  105. Almost positive it's MD or abrasion
  106. The ravages...
  107. Possible 2011P-DO1-006 Please help ID it.
  108. Just found: 1972P-1DO-004!!! The rare one!
  109. 1987D 1MM-001 (i think)
  110. New Variety?
  111. Trails
  112. Just Found: 1971P-1DO-001 (FS-101)
  113. 1981d- wrpm-001
  114. 2006P DDO with Trails
  115. 1973 S 3 Legs Lincoln
  116. 2006P cent DDO - One of my favorite
  117. Trails worthy of Attribution? 2012P
  118. 2012P #2 find = ddo?
  119. 1983P 1 DR 001 - Finally nailed this one!
  120. 1984 ddo ?
  121. 1944D-1MM-006 (Updated pics)
  122. 2011 Trail Die 2011P-1DER-001T
  123. 2000p ddr new??
  124. Another 1988P RDV-006
  125. 1964-D rpm 013 ?
  126. Need some assistance to confirm this 1989D-1D0-001
  127. recent purchase
  128. 1972 DDO But Which One?
  129. 2011 P Trails I thnk 2011-1DEO-015T
  130. 1960-D/D East
  131. 1969-D LUCKY Cent
  132. 1960-D/D North
  133. 1960-d 1mm-???
  134. 1971-p 1do-001
  135. Several 1985 D RPM's maybe.
  136. 1960 D Over D RPM
  137. 1988-d ddo
  138. Two Finds This Week
  139. 2002-d ddr?
  140. 1998 P Trails Ebay pick
  141. 1931-S Lincoln Cent !
  142. 1960 d/d rpm!!!
  143. 1986 P Washington Quarter Double Die Reverse?
  144. 1955 D Ghost Cent
  145. yay, just need that pesky 99 now
  146. Tough Call on a 1958D RPM
  147. 1950 s/s/s?!?!?!
  148. 1988p maybe doubled columns
  149. 1957 d/d!
  150. 1988-P Reverse of 1989 (RDV-006)
  151. Extra thickness on lettering
  152. Ebay cherrypicked... took some forensic work.
  153. Jason take a look! Clashed Dies.
  154. 1972-p 1do-007
  155. First time find.
  156. 1983P-1DO-11 Maybe
  157. Rpm find.
  158. 1953 D RPM for sure 002
  159. 2010p rev. Trails
  160. 1960-d 1mm-003?
  161. 1960 D/D My Second one this week!
  162. Trails!
  163. 1960-d 1mm-xxx???
  164. Did I get these rpms right?
  165. 1989-s proof
  166. Ya gotta like the easy ones!
  167. 1941 ddo #1
  168. 1982 Double rim/ misaligned dies
  169. 1972-p 1do-003
  170. Can't decide on this 1988. RDV-005 or 006?
  171. 1946-s imm?
  172. 1909 vdb ddo-1&2
  173. Second one of these in two weeks 1972-DDO-005
  174. 1995-p 1do-001 # 5
  175. Good find for me last night. 2004-1DR-001
  176. 1984 d rpm
  177. 1960 d ddo?
  178. 1968d rpm?
  179. 2005-d need help please!!!!!!!!
  180. Newest find
  181. 1992-d need help!!!!!!!
  182. Reverse double type
  183. Rdv 88d
  184. 1982-p 1do-003
  185. Gouge
  186. 1983ddo
  187. 1955d 1mm-002 rpm
  188. Just found a 1995 D DDO
  189. 2011 Trails
  190. possible double error
  191. 1956 d/s rpm
  192. 1950-D Nice RPM
  193. My first WAM find
  194. 1942 ddo!!!
  195. 1955 ddo 2 late die state ?
  196. 2006 P extra #7 pillar
  197. Woot! 1998p-1dr-011
  198. Not Sure
  199. unattributed 1910-s RPM?
  200. 1956-1om-002
  201. Did I finally find my first DD?
  202. A Little Help, Please?
  203. Need some help on this 1961D RPM
  204. More than one size "S" ?
  205. 1955d ddo 1 nice one
  206. Possibly 1943P-1DO-003 ???
  207. Is this DDR strong enough to list?
  208. 2009 Formative Years Doubled Thumbs..
  209. Its not the....
  210. Im believe this to....
  211. 1970 S over S ??
  212. Find from last night
  213. Need some help with this one!
  214. Double die obverse,1942
  215. 1952D rpm + ?
  216. 1970 S Small date? Lincoln Penny
  217. 1955P-1DO-004 maybe?
  218. 1946 ddo????
  219. What is it?
  220. 1980 d/d rpm?
  221. 1983 ddr?
  222. 1941-p 1do-001
  223. rpm-006 problems
  224. New 2012 Very Minor DDO
  225. 1998p 1 DER-029T
  226. 2000 extra collumn?
  227. Bicentennial Cent
  228. Lamination?
  229. 1972 P DDO, maybe 5?
  230. 1953-d rpm #1
  231. 1968 d rpm
  232. 1944d rpm ?
  233. Mrs. Lincoln must be very proud.
  234. EPU Trails
  235. Double face?
  236. Trail attributed
  237. New reverse DDR
  238. 1939 Possible new DDO
  239. 1999P LMC Wide AM
  240. Could this be 1911D-1OM-001?
  241. New obverse find
  242. Check out these 2 RPM's maybe.
  243. I think I got this one right 1994P-1DR-001
  244. 1972-d
  245. Possible new 1995D DDO.
  246. 1993 TRAILS and/or DDR
  247. 1946 ddo?
  248. 1999p-1dr ?
  249. More Trails
  250. A 2006 P and 2008 P DDO's?