- 1960d-1mm-028 :)
- 1972-d ddo?
- 1964 DDR - which die: 9, 10, or neither??
- Haven't tried to attribute this one yet.
- A few nice finds from last night.
- Not Sure About this One
- :) 1995D-1DO-002 yah yah
- 1960-D rpm-162 ?
- 1960-D-rpm-021 ? unusual one
- 1982-P 1DO-002 - The 3RD This Year!!!!!
- 1971-P Doubled Die Obverse?
- 1989-1do-007?
- 1968 S and 1969 S MM question
- Well-placed die chip?
- 1964-D 1MM-002 - I Think
- Yet another 1983 DDR from the peanut can !
- Minor double die
- My listed find
- RDV-005 maybe
- Maybe number 5?
- 1983P Die Trail
- My oldest Trails find to date
- RPM or Die gouge on this 1959D?
- Nice trail die find
- Looks like a DDO? With a Trail Die Rev.
- 77-D and 78-D worth searching?
- Worn die or DBL Obverse
- LIB-I-ERTY (BIE) Collecting - Chips & Cracks
- 1983-p 1do-001?
- Two Options on This One
- The gravy train continues!
- #21 for 2011-p 1do-004
- 2005P-1DR-029 Woo Hoo!
- 1999p-1dr-006
- 1999P Reverse Trails
- 1988-P RDV006 - Dirty!
- 1949 D RPM help
- 1935p-1do-001
- 1958D RPM - which one is this ?
- 1941-P DDO finally
- Results from 1 roll of 1951-D's (ON LCR TOP 50 RPM LIST)
- 1961-D 1mm-003 ?
- 60-d rpm#11
- 2011 ddo
- 1960D D over D west - which listing ??
- Found in Bank Roll
- 1930s 1ov ddo
- Trails, no die markers
- 1935 D RPM or damage?
- In search of something I've already had!
- 1958 D RPM need help
- 2009p -ddr 1dr007
- 1988p rdv-006
- 1941-p 1do-001
- 2011p-1do-004
- What variety is this?
- 1988 rdv-006 my first
- 2001 P Possible DDR or whaever you call something like this?
- 2001 D strange marks on Liberty maybe a DDO?
- 1984d
- Here's a fun one.. hope Bob sees it.
- Solid bag of zincs
- Recent finds
- odd 1936
- just pulled a nice 1955 ddo#2
- 1994-D Reverse Extra Columns ?
- New 1998 P DDR
- 2011 P sort of looks like a DDO
- There's just something I like about these kinds of DDO's
- 1956 d & d #8 are this not that hard to find
- Found this DDO today
- My Irish luck!
- 2012 Obv. Trails again.
- 1979 d rpm
- 1964-p 1dr-010 ?
- 1979D I'm looking for a possible DDO
- New 28D MM
- New Trail Die for 2011?
- 1994-P 1DER-023T - Reverse Trail Die
- 1925s ddo-001
- 1968 d rpm
- 2006p ddo
- 1979d-1mm-003 ?
- 1943 must see
- Possible 88D WS
- 61D MM Help needed
- Very nice Rev. doubling.
- Another DDR I can't match on CC.
- 2006 ddo
- '74 Bay #6??
- 1960-d 1mm-015
- 1917-D Is this anything?
- 1961 D/D North?
- 1961 d rpm #8?
- 1968 S need help
- 1952 d
- 1916 S Wheat CUD?
- 1963 D RPM new ?
- Cherrypicked
- Nice Example 60D-1mm-003
- 2011-p 1do-004
- 2011-p 1do-006
- 1985d-1mm-001
- 1956d rpm #8!
- Almost positive it's MD or abrasion
- The ravages...
- Possible 2011P-DO1-006 Please help ID it.
- Just found: 1972P-1DO-004!!! The rare one!
- 1987D 1MM-001 (i think)
- New Variety?
- Trails
- Just Found: 1971P-1DO-001 (FS-101)
- 1981d- wrpm-001
- 2006P DDO with Trails
- 1973 S 3 Legs Lincoln
- 2006P cent DDO - One of my favorite
- Trails worthy of Attribution? 2012P
- 2012P #2 find = ddo?
- 1983P 1 DR 001 - Finally nailed this one!
- 1984 ddo ?
- 1944D-1MM-006 (Updated pics)
- 2011 Trail Die 2011P-1DER-001T
- 2000p ddr new??
- Another 1988P RDV-006
- 1964-D rpm 013 ?
- Need some assistance to confirm this 1989D-1D0-001
- recent purchase
- 1972 DDO But Which One?
- 2011 P Trails I thnk 2011-1DEO-015T
- 1960-D/D East
- 1969-D LUCKY Cent
- 1960-D/D North
- 1960-d 1mm-???
- 1971-p 1do-001
- Several 1985 D RPM's maybe.
- 1960 D Over D RPM
- 1988-d ddo
- Two Finds This Week
- 2002-d ddr?
- 1998 P Trails Ebay pick
- 1931-S Lincoln Cent !
- 1960 d/d rpm!!!
- 1986 P Washington Quarter Double Die Reverse?
- 1955 D Ghost Cent
- yay, just need that pesky 99 now
- Tough Call on a 1958D RPM
- 1950 s/s/s?!?!?!
- 1988p maybe doubled columns
- 1957 d/d!
- 1988-P Reverse of 1989 (RDV-006)
- Extra thickness on lettering
- Ebay cherrypicked... took some forensic work.
- Jason take a look! Clashed Dies.
- 1972-p 1do-007
- First time find.
- 1983P-1DO-11 Maybe
- Rpm find.
- 1953 D RPM for sure 002
- 2010p rev. Trails
- 1960-d 1mm-003?
- 1960 D/D My Second one this week!
- Trails!
- 1960-d 1mm-xxx???
- Did I get these rpms right?
- 1989-s proof
- Ya gotta like the easy ones!
- 1941 ddo #1
- 1982 Double rim/ misaligned dies
- 1972-p 1do-003
- Can't decide on this 1988. RDV-005 or 006?
- 1946-s imm?
- 1909 vdb ddo-1&2
- Second one of these in two weeks 1972-DDO-005
- 1995-p 1do-001 # 5
- Good find for me last night. 2004-1DR-001
- 1984 d rpm
- 1960 d ddo?
- 1968d rpm?
- 2005-d need help please!!!!!!!!
- Newest find
- 1992-d need help!!!!!!!
- Reverse double type
- Rdv 88d
- 1982-p 1do-003
- Gouge
- 1983ddo
- 1955d 1mm-002 rpm
- Just found a 1995 D DDO
- 2011 Trails
- possible double error
- 1956 d/s rpm
- 1950-D Nice RPM
- My first WAM find
- 1942 ddo!!!
- 1955 ddo 2 late die state ?
- 2006 P extra #7 pillar
- Woot! 1998p-1dr-011
- Not Sure
- unattributed 1910-s RPM?
- 1956-1om-002
- Did I finally find my first DD?
- A Little Help, Please?
- Need some help on this 1961D RPM
- More than one size "S" ?
- 1955d ddo 1 nice one
- Possibly 1943P-1DO-003 ???
- Is this DDR strong enough to list?
- 2009 Formative Years Doubled Thumbs..
- Its not the....
- Im believe this to....
- 1970 S over S ??
- Find from last night
- Need some help with this one!
- Double die obverse,1942
- 1952D rpm + ?
- 1970 S Small date? Lincoln Penny
- 1955P-1DO-004 maybe?
- 1946 ddo????
- What is it?
- 1980 d/d rpm?
- 1983 ddr?
- 1941-p 1do-001
- rpm-006 problems
- New 2012 Very Minor DDO
- 1998p 1 DER-029T
- 2000 extra collumn?
- Bicentennial Cent
- Lamination?
- 1972 P DDO, maybe 5?
- 1953-d rpm #1
- 1968 d rpm
- 1944d rpm ?
- Mrs. Lincoln must be very proud.
- EPU Trails
- Double face?
- Trail attributed
- New reverse DDR
- 1939 Possible new DDO
- 1999P LMC Wide AM
- Could this be 1911D-1OM-001?
- New obverse find
- Check out these 2 RPM's maybe.
- I think I got this one right 1994P-1DR-001
- 1972-d
- Possible new 1995D DDO.
- 1993 TRAILS and/or DDR
- 1946 ddo?
- 1999p-1dr ?
- More Trails
- A 2006 P and 2008 P DDO's?