- 2017P 1c WDDO-017 Cliff's Discovery
- 1960D-1MM-082
- 2009 P (FY) possible new DDR
- 2018P DDO?
- 2016 1c WDDO-003
- 1936P-1DO-001
- Finally dug into the aggravation can. 2004P-1DR-015
- 1968 D clashed both sides but is it an RPM also?
- 2004P-1DR-002
- 2009P-1DR-017 I think. Another from the aggravation can!!
- Another from the can!! New DDR?
- 1944D RPM004
- 1944D RPM002
- Unlisted 1937-D DDO
- 1952-D DDO/RPM Unlisted ?
- 2016 P WDDO-003
- 1943-S unlisted ddr
- 1964 unlisted DDO
- 2004P-1DO-008 and 2004P-1DR-019
- 1968 D DDO or Doubled working hub? Leaning towards 1968D-1DO-002
- 1998 D DDR from the can.
- 2003P-1DO-001
- 1973P DDO - maybe VV DDO-002 Stage B
- 1980 P possible DDR, doubled column cap
- 1968S possible VV 1968-S RPM-001
- 2001 DDR doubled column
- 1945D RPM001
- 2017P-WDDO-017
- 1956D RPM008
- 1952D-1MM-015
- 1939S-RPM-001 (WDDO-002)
- 2017P possible DDR at LB
- 2000 D with plating issues and maybe trails?
- 1960D-1MM-150
- 1972 D Possible New DDO.
- 1960 Small Date The 6 looks doubled
- 1960D-1MM-025
- My first obverse Trails plus a bonus unlisted doubled column!
- 1951-S RPM...needs attribution
- 54-D 1DO-003
- 1946-D DDO and RPM
- Another 46-D DDO
- 1983 P DDR (WDDR-002)
- 2016 1c WDDO-019
- 1953-D RPM
- 1943-D DDO
- Yet another 46-D DDO
- Final 46-D DDO in the "set aside for later" pile
- 1944-S DDO - two die states
- 1949-S RPM - and Prooflike too!
- 1964D confusion
- 1960D-1MM-106
- 2016 1c WDDO-016
- Variety Marker information
- 1962-1MM-008
- 2009P-1DR-025
- 1953D-1MM-025 Thanks to Ray!!
- 1953-S RPM #009 - earlier stage
- 1953-S RPM
- 1957D 1MM-044
- 1960D-1MM-007
- 1968D-1MM-007
- 2012 P possible new DDO.
- 1994P-Extra Column--1994P-1DR-001
- 1961-1MM-010
- 1983P-1DO-001
- 1987D-RPM
- 2016 P WDDR-PIAZZA!!
- Chubby looking 2018P, am I reaching again?
- 1983 P DDO?
- 1959D 1MM-001
- 2006 P WDDO-013
- 1956D 1MM-023
- 1934P 1DO 006
- Two More Finds 1953-D/D & 1956-D/D RPM'S
- Two More Finds 1953-D/D & 1956-D/D RPM'S
- 1988P RDV-006
- 1974 P reverse doubling?
- 1961 D RPM need a little help, to many to choose from
- 1969D-1MM-002
- 1960P Small Date
- 1988P RDV-006
- 1952dRPM015
- 1962D-1MM-001
- 1943P-DDR-014
- 1958 D RPM HELP!!! I'm in the aggravation can again!
- 1956 D RPM 004
- 1972-1DO-006
- 1952S-1MM-003
- 1985D-RPM-001 (1MM-001 & WRPM-001)
- 1952D-1MM-022 A Pair
- 2001 D WDDR-001
- 1987 D new RPM?
- 1959D-1MM-001
- 1957D RPM-003
- 2013 P DDO?
- 1959D 1MM-046
- Wexler 2006 1c WDDO-002
- But another 1925 S RPM 1
- 1951 D RPM 4
- 1994P-1DR-001
- 1968P-1DO-006
- 2004 P DDR out of the can!!
- Ok, I have been looking for a WAM for 14 months now. Did I find one?
- 1998 P WDDR-022 Doubled Knees.
- Multi Variety / Error 1955-S
- 1936 P Wheat Cent- 1-DO-002
- 1960D-1MM-149
- 72 DDO Type??????
- 1982-WDDO-002
- 1983 P DDO with a little MD too.
- 1997P-1DO-001
- 1983P Class 6
- Started as a Spike ended with new DDR? Looks like new doubled steps!!
- 2009P-1DR-101 + 1DO-016
- 2014P-WDDO-003
- 1959D 1MM-010
- 1999-D DDR, gouge or MAD clash?
- 1956-D DMM #1
- Doubled column from the CAN!!
- THE CAN again. Do you think 2017P WDDR-004 and 005 might be the same die?
- 2004-1DR-003
- 2004 P WDDR-034 plus a nice little struck through!
- The Wing-ed One
- 2012 P possible new DDO.
- 1960D-1MM-050
- 1941 P DDO #2
- 1959-D RPM#001
- dinkyblue Dan's RPM that he labeled as No. 1 - 1961D
- The Beginning of a Flying D
- 1961-1MM-017
- 1961-1MM-025
- 1960P Small Date
- 2006 1c WDDO-056
- Need help with this 1957 D RPM
- 2000 WAM in CWR
- 2016 1c WDDR-001
- First DDO of the weekend!! 1981 D 001
- Let's take another stab at a DDO....1984D
- 1947 LWC DDO Opinion
- 2018P Trail Die with reverse die break
- 1960D-1MM-024
- 1960D-1MM-084
- 1960D-1MM-138
- 1917 DDO cherrypick
- 1943-s DDO-001 PCGS MS64 cherrypick
- 1917-D WDDR-001 cherrypick
- 1995-D 1DO-003
- 1997P-1DO-001
- Very Excited about this Proof Cherry Pick
- My very own
- 1957 DDR-017?
- 2011p WDDO-003 First half of a DDO duo from the sameBW roll this weekend.
- 2011p 1D0-004 / DDO-001/ WDDO-002 Second half of the DDO duo from last weekend.
- 2000 P WAM !!!
- 1986D-1MM-001 Maybe LDS
- 2009 P (FY) possible new DDR
- Toned 1939 DDR (Unattributed?)
- 2000 P doubled column 010
- 1941p DDO-001
- Jim's - Coppercoins 2011P-1DO-006
- 1911 D RPM 1
- First island find!! 2015 P WDDO-009
- 1986D - could it possibly be a D/D rotated CCW?
- 2018P-Nice DDO for this year
- 2016P-WDDR-001? (Bob's discovery)
- 1972 P LMC 1-DO-006
- 2013 P new DDR?
- 1940D RPM002
- 1944D RPM002
- 1944D RPM002
- Another 1929 S RPM 1
- 2006-P-DDO(EAR)
- 2016 P WDDO-004
- 1924S-RPM-001 finally
- Looks like Coppercoins 1971D-1MM-012
- 1960D-1MM-054
- 1998 WAM
- 1960D-1MM-056
- 1956-DDO-007 (Proof)
- 1963-DDO-007 (Proof)
- Out of the frying pan and into the fire!! 2004 1c DDR-044 I think...
- 1957-DDR-004 (Proof)
- 1999 P WDDR-003 from the CAN CAN.
- Looks to be a new 2017 DDO!!!
- 2017P 1c WDDO-005 Jon!!
- 1991D-1DO-002
- 1944 d/s
- $4 1998 Close AM proof
- 1923-S RPM-1 WRPM-1
- 1924-S DDR-001 WDDR-001
- 1933-D WRPM-003 1MM-004
- 1943-S DDO-001, WDDO-001, 1DO-001, FS-101 in PCGS MS65
- 1944-D DDO-001 FS-101 Stage D in PCGS MS67RD!!!
- 1973P-1DO-002 EDS Hopefully!!
- 1960D-1MM-007
- 1964D-1MM-008
- 1971D-1MM-002
- 2009P-1DR-037
- 1956 RPMM
- 1938-D RPM-7 WRPM-8 cherrypick in mint state!
- 1960 small date over Big date?
- 2016 1c WDDO-003 a group of five
- 1988D-RDV-006
- 1939D RPM
- 2011P-WDDO-002
- 2000P-RDV-006
- Finally picked my Favorite! 1927P-DDO-001!
- Very nice 1935 DDO-001 / FS-101
- 1959D 1MM-050
- 1942d RPM002
- 2016 1c WDDO-004 - Bob's Discovery!
- 1934D RPM004
- 1938D RPM003
- 1960D-1MM-001 First
- 1984P-1DO-013 from the can!!
- 1960D-1MM-084
- 1961-1MM-020
- 1959D-1MM-001
- 2006 1c WDDO-027
- 2002 P WDDR-008 doubled column
- 1952D-1MM-005
- 1951-1MM-002
- 1996 P New to me Trail!! 1996P-1DER-005T
- 1960D-1MM-005
- 1964 RPM (no real match)
- 1956D-1MM-003
- 1961D-RPM-023
- 1960D-1MM-068
- 1960D-1MM-110
- 1960D-1MM-063
- 1953D-1MM-006
- 1960D-1MM-032
- 1988P-RDV-006
- 1938 DDR-003 in PCGS PR65RD
- 1972 P DDO 002!!!
- 1984 LMC WDDO-001 Double Ear, Chin & Tie
- 1915-D RPM-1 in PCGS MS64BN
- 1951D-1DO-001 Cherrypick that wasn't really a cheerypick!
- 1960D-1MM-012
- 1963D-1MM-011
- 1960D-1MM-035
- Mystery 1954 d DDO.
- 1982P LD Copper - Is this normal 82P copper thickness?
- 1960D-1MM-072
- 2009D-1DR-001
- 2015P Minor unlisted DDR at LB - Second find
- 1999 1c WDDR-006
- 1954-D/D/D
- 1961D-1MM-030