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  1. 1983 DDR?
  2. 2000-D Lincoln
  3. 1943P-1DO-001
  4. 1962 D RPM
  5. 1982 P DDO ? Not sure which one.
  6. 1928D-WDDO-001/WRPM-001
  7. 1972P Possible new DDO
  8. PR1955 DDO-9
  9. 2018 Lincoln penny
  10. 1972 DDO
  11. 1924-s DDO wheat penny
  12. Lincoln wheat cent 1965
  13. 1959 P Lincoln Cent different die stage DDO
  14. Nice surprise find. 1969D RPM-002 I believe could be an EDS.
  15. 1911S Possible RPM?
  16. 2019 D Lincoln Penny
  17. 1973 D 1DO-001???
  18. 1912 S over D ?
  19. 1984D This one has me trying to figure out???? Eyelid oddity.
  20. 1982 Lg Dt Copper RPM.
  21. 1977 D mintmark with some indicators of a possible RPM.
  22. 1934P New Extra Eyelid
  23. 1970 D RPM-001 LDS???
  24. 1928P New Extra Eyelids?
  25. 1926P New Extra Eyelid ?
  26. 1926P-WDDO-005
  27. 1936 DDO-3 FS-103
  28. 1926D-WRPM-002
  29. 1937P-WDDO-013
  30. 1951S-1MM-004
  31. 1954S-1MM-010
  32. 1954S-1MM-011
  33. 1954S-1MM-004
  34. 1958D-1DO-006
  35. 1952S-1MM-015
  36. 1956D 1MM 001
  37. 1937P-1DR-005
  38. 1937P-1DR-002
  39. 1956D-1MM-012/WRPM-001 A Pair
  40. 1955D-1MM-002
  41. 1958D-1MM-031
  42. 1946P-!DO-006
  43. 1943P - New Extra Eyelid or CC's 019?
  44. 1982D RPM Pretender
  45. 1995P-1DER-022T
  46. 1956D-1MM-014
  47. 1936P-1DR-010
  48. 1950S-1MM-029
  49. 1937P-1DO-009
  50. VEDS 1954-S RPM #15
  51. 1926P-WDDO-004
  52. 1935P-1DR-001 a pair
  53. 1935P-1DO-004
  54. 1936P-1DO-012
  55. 1951D-1MM-008
  56. 1941S-1MM-015
  57. 57-D D/D/D
  58. 1952D-1MM-008
  59. 1952D-1MM-004
  60. 55d-1mm-004
  61. 1956D-1MM-003
  62. 1957D-1MM-005/1DO-002
  63. 1957D-1MM-003
  64. 1951D-1MM-050
  65. 1950S-1MM-011
  66. 1962D-1MM-022
  67. 1962D-1MM-001
  68. 1956D-1MM-024/1DO-014
  69. 1949-S unknown RPM
  70. 1957D-1MM-010
  71. 1958D-1MM-017
  72. Need a little help - unknown 1909P [non-VDB] DDR
  73. 1961-D RPM-030 help!
  74. 1957D-1MM-007
  75. 1926P-WDDO-004
  76. 1927P-WDDO-010 or New?
  77. 1927P-WDDO-011
  78. 1936 DDO-001 Found CRH'ing Tonight
  79. 1964 DDO-022
  80. 2018 P Lincoln cent w/Die Ring(s) or Lathe Lines?
  81. 2021 P Lincoln cent (New DDO w/ fairly strongthickness on ERTY)
  82. 1935P-WDDR-003
  83. 2006P*1DO-017
  84. 1927P-WDDO-009
  85. 1963D WDDO-001, DDO-001, 1DO-001, FS101 (LDS-C)
  86. 1983 P WDDO-001, DDO-001, 1DO-001, FS101 (MDS-C)
  87. 1952D-1MM-021
  88. 1930S-1MM-002
  89. 1930D-1DR-001
  90. Thought I'd beaten the urge...
  91. 1938D-1DR-004
  92. 1940S-1MM-001
  93. 1940P-1DR-004
  94. 1940D-WRPM-009
  95. 1940D-1DR-001
  96. 1973-S
  97. 1940D-DDR-002
  98. 1942P-1DR-008
  99. 1944D-1MM-002
  100. 1945S-1MM-007
  101. 1946D 1MM-006
  102. 1929S new extra eyelid
  103. 1936P-new x eyelid / DDR
  104. 1936P-WDDO-014
  105. 1952D-New Extra Eyelid + RPM
  106. 1944P-1DO-008
  107. 1949D WDDO-001 (MDS, Stage B?)
  108. 2019 P unlisted DDO
  109. 1989-D DDO-001
  110. 1945D-1DO-014
  111. 1939P-New Extra Eyelid
  112. 1939P-WDDO-019
  113. 1909P 1DO-001
  114. 1933D-1MM-001
  115. 1940S-1DO-002/1R-DR-006
  116. 1951D-RPM-020
  117. 1988 DDR
  118. 1944P-1DO-017
  119. 1956D 1MM 001
  120. 1953S-1MM-006
  121. 1956D-1MM-034
  122. 1942D New Extra Eyelid?
  123. 44P 3 New Extra Eyelids?
  124. 1945P-1DR-001
  125. 1946P New Extra Eyelid?
  126. 1995P DDO - 1-O-V-CCW - FS-101 (040)
  127. Possible 1946-S inverted mint mark
  128. 1946D - New Extra Eyelid?
  129. 1952D 1MM 047
  130. 1957D-1MM-001 A Pair
  131. 1949S WRPM-026
  132. 1953D 1MM 003
  133. 1946inverted-S #2
  134. 1957D-1D0-010
  135. 1927P-WDDO-009 or New One
  136. 1929P-DDR-001 a Pair
  137. 1935P-1DR-002
  138. 1938P-DDO-004
  139. 1938P--New Extra Eyelid?
  140. 1939-P New Extra Eyelid?
  141. "Better luck next time" thread
  142. 1938P - 1DR-004 a Pair
  143. 1951 S not sure but I think it’s CC 016
  144. 1941D extra eyelid
  145. 1944D Extra Eyelid I’m unable to find information.
  146. 1944S-1MM-001
  147. 1940D-1DO-001
  148. 1939P - 1DO - 012
  149. 1948S-WRPM-005
  150. 1948S WRPM 009
  151. 1956-D OMM-1, FS-511
  152. 1948S WRPM 038
  153. 1949S 1MM-008
  154. 1953D -1MM-025
  155. 1984 p I think doubled ear
  156. 1949 D FS 501 I’m thinking but not positive
  157. 1939 DDR
  158. 1959D 1MM 017
  159. 1930P-1DR-001
  160. 1959D 1MM 005
  161. 1938 D DDR help
  162. 1959P-WDDO-003
  163. 1951d 1mm-009
  164. 1947S RPM-7, NGC66RD
  165. 1951D-1MM-030
  166. 1952D 1MM 008
  167. 1954S 1MM-010
  168. 1944p DDO2
  169. 1956D 1MM-024-1DO-024
  170. 1956D-1MM-026
  171. 1955D-1MM-014
  172. 1957D-1MM-001
  173. VSS= Variety Slabbing Service
  174. 1953S-1MM-002
  175. 1971D-1MM-007
  176. 1953S-1MM-003
  177. 1953S-1MM-005
  178. 1953S-1MM-008
  179. 1948-D/D South
  180. An interesting Lincoln Cent Die ... RPM ... BIE ... RCD
  181. 1953S-1MM-013
  182. 1946S RPM-25 ball serif
  183. 1924S RPM-1 stage A
  184. 1941D-1DR-006
  185. 1947S RPM-7
  186. 1955D 1mm 030
  187. 1920S-RPM-001?
  188. 1943 DDO-001
  189. 1952D RPM8
  190. 1930D-1DR-001
  191. 1944-S DDO-1
  192. 1935P New Extra Eyelid?
  193. Would like some opinion on whether this 1956P LWC is a class VI DDR
  194. 1943P- New Extra Eyelid?
  195. 1924-s DDO
  196. 1955D-New Extra Eyelid?
  197. 1951D-1DO-003
  198. 2009D DDR?
  199. 1934P-1DO-006
  200. 1934P-1DO-001
  201. 1927P-New Extra Eyelid?
  202. 1958-D RPM
  203. 1934P-1DR-002
  204. 1960D - 1MM-025
  205. 1952P-1DO-002 A Pair
  206. 1953D-1MM-001
  207. A pair of extreme 1944-S class vi DDRs
  208. 1953S-1MM-002
  209. 1953D-1MM-003
  210. 1994 P trail die (1994P-1DER-023T)
  211. 1953D-1MM-010
  212. 1954D-1MM-022
  213. 1937P-1DO-010
  214. 1954 D 1MM 001
  215. 1937P- 1DR- 003
  216. 1937P-1DR-002
  217. 1940S-WRPM-013
  218. 1935P-1DR-001
  219. 1945P-New Extra Eyelids?
  220. 1983p fs-801
  221. 1951D-1MM-011
  222. 1941-S RPM-5
  223. 1939P 1DR 005
  224. Anyone find anything on the 2022's yet?
  225. 1938P-1DR-002 A Pair
  226. 1944-D DDO as an auction
  227. 1949P-DDO-010
  228. 1943P New Extra Eyelid?
  229. 1943D-1DR - 008
  230. 1943D - New Extra Eyelid?
  231. 1935P- New Extra Eyelid?
  232. 1940-D RPM-1
  233. 1943S & 1943D X Eyelids?
  234. 1909VDB DDO-2 FS-1102
  235. 1944P - New Extra Eyelids
  236. 1944P - New Extra Eyelid
  237. 1944P-DDO-010 A Pair
  238. 1944P New Extra Eyelid?
  239. They are still out there.
  240. 1944P New Extra Eyelid
  241. 1944P New Extra Eyelid?
  242. 1944P !DR 005
  243. 44D New Extra Eyelid?
  244. 1944S-1DR-008 A Pair
  245. PR1953 Cameo unattributed DDO-1 as BIN
  246. 1945P-1DR-001
  247. 1941P class VI DDO
  248. 1954-S RPM-2
  249. 46P New Extra Eyelid?
  250. 1945P New 3 Extra Eyelids?