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  1. is this both a 89 reverse?
  2. 001?
  3. 1972-P Die #4 reverse?
  4. 1960d rpm #23
  5. 1999-P Wide AM
  6. 1999P LMC- Need Help- Tripled DDR or MD?
  7. 1995 p ddo-001
  8. 2009-D Lincoln cent DDR in Mint set
  9. 2006-P Doubled Ear Lobe/Beard (Find #30)
  10. ddr with 2 "bars" neat
  11. 1991p-1dr-001
  12. rpm?
  13. 1972-p ddo-008
  14. Prison cent
  15. New 1989D RPM
  16. 1977D brass plated?
  17. Uh oh, another one!
  18. And another
  19. 2004-P Doubled Die Reverse (#13)
  20. 1994-p ddr-001
  21. 1976p ddo-001
  22. 2006 doubled ear or die clash?
  23. 1964 dd
  24. 1960D Sm Dt RPM
  25. 1992-P " peek-a-boo - I see you"
  26. Two- 2004p- lmc 1dr-009's
  27. 1983 1c FS-801
  28. 1959p ddo-001
  29. Some new 2009D(FY) Lincoln cent DDRs
  30. 1998 Wide "A M"
  31. Fresh roll
  32. The same roll
  33. Another
  34. yet another
  35. another similar
  36. 1944S DDR-001 (for Jean's reference)
  37. 1985D rpm 014?
  38. 1995 Strong Die Clash
  39. 1941P DDO-005 (dbl ear)
  40. found in mint roll
  41. 2009 d lp3 doubled windows?
  42. Not a new die small date
  43. More not new dies from one roll
  44. 1988D rdv-006???
  45. Mint set satin finish
  46. 1do-001
  47. 2009 Professional DDO
  48. From Roger and Heide
  49. Second coin from Roger and Heide
  50. Third coin from Roger and Heidi
  51. 2009 p
  52. 2009 p FY ddr die #?
  53. 1998 Wide "A M"
  54. 1985P new class 6 DDO? ...Added to CC
  55. 1909 vdb ddo
  56. So far so good!!!
  57. 1970 S/S rpm 1 cherrypicked
  58. 1944S DDO...I think
  59. 1988 d rpm
  60. 2009p(pl)sf, ddr
  61. 1961 mdo-001
  62. 1936 ddo??
  63. 1941 ddo 1-o-i !!
  64. 2 Finds; '46-D & '47-D
  65. 1944-d
  66. 1911-d
  67. The first 2009D(EC)SF doubled die reverse
  68. 1960-d
  69. 1934d ddo-001
  70. 1987 rpm??
  71. Probable rpm with reverse retained cud
  72. Anything Going on With These Columns
  73. 1999 WAM Birthday present
  74. 2009 lp-2
  75. 1956 d question
  76. 1956D rpm with reverse struck through
  77. 2006 D With Extra Knees and Feet
  78. Triplet # 2
  79. Triplet # 3
  80. with die break or retained cud
  81. 2009 EC With Strange Lines/Logs
  82. 1960 Small Date, wasn;t the prettiest
  83. 1955 ddo-002
  84. 1938S rpm001
  85. possible 1MM-005
  86. 1mm-009??
  87. 1909 ddo-002
  88. 2004p-1dr-002 (#14)
  89. 2006 DDO Not Sure Which One?
  90. 1944-D light class 6 DDO w/misplaced MM??
  91. Possible triple?
  92. Second one this year
  93. 1987 RPM? What do you think?
  94. rpm ??
  95. Another in need of an attribution
  96. RPM with no matching markers
  97. 1941p ddo-002
  98. 2009p lp2-1 dr 012
  99. 1910S rpm-001
  100. probable
  101. Not positive
  102. A new one?
  103. found a nice 1928 large "s"
  104. A new one?
  105. 1982P LD Trails...(1982P-1DEO-001T)
  106. Unbelievable 90 NMM
  107. 1970-S small date Cent in Proof set
  108. 1983 d rpm?
  109. 1972 ddo ?
  110. 1972 DDO ? part 2
  111. 1960 d rpm-056
  112. 1943-D RPM #4 or DDO ???
  113. 1909 vdb ddo 1
  114. 1946-s/d 1omm -001
  115. 1952-D with a Tail
  116. 1960 Proof Small date DDO 3x
  117. 1960-D DDO small date over Large
  118. 1963 D Bars under LIB
  119. This is my very first 82 DDO
  120. 1988 d ddo?
  121. 1mm-001?
  122. 1mm-001?
  123. 1917 ddo?
  124. Possible 1991-P 1DO-001
  125. 64d
  126. 1915-d rpm?
  127. 1909-s rpm #2 ???
  128. 1972-S DD0? Opinion's Please?
  129. 1988d 1mm-002?
  130. 2006 wddo-004
  131. Most Wanted OMM - 1946 S/D - In High Grade
  132. Broad Struck
  133. 1971-p 1c cddo-006
  134. 1971 -P bar above the 7
  135. How long will it last
  136. 1968-d 1ddr-001
  137. 2006 Doubled Ear
  138. 1983-p ddo (1do-003)
  139. 1962 Proof ddo
  140. 1994P Die Trail
  141. 1986d rpm?
  142. 1960 lg over sm date DDO Proof
  143. need help w/ rpm & doubled eyelid please
  144. 2000p new discovery
  145. 1996 DDR Class 3 ????
  146. 1970S Proof Small Date
  147. found in a wheat roll last night
  148. 1997P-1DER-032T Stage A?
  149. trails or not?
  150. Happy Days are here again! 1941P-1DO-002
  151. 5-0-1?
  152. 1981 Trails?
  153. 1994 Trails?
  154. 87 rpm?
  155. A top 100
  156. A deceiving cent
  157. 1958d rpm 1
  158. 1989 d ddr?
  159. 1961d
  160. I think it is
  161. 1982 DDO and Phantom D
  162. 2006 DDO & trails
  163. 1958-D Possible DDO?
  164. ddo-001?
  165. 1mm-oo2
  166. 1958 MD? or...
  167. 1972 DDO but which one...
  168. 1993 D With Doubling on Columns?
  169. ddo-001 LDS?
  170. It's been awhile
  171. 1963-d 1do-003
  172. LP4 Minor ddo
  173. 1955 S Possible RPM?
  174. 1960p ddo-006 (6-o-viii)
  175. 1995 p ddo?
  176. 2007d ddr?
  177. The Lincolnstein Monster
  178. 1972p ddo-009 (9-o-viii)
  179. Can I get opinion's please?
  180. 2003
  181. '39 DDO with a doubled ear!
  182. need help again
  183. 1942 S Help
  184. found in my set asides
  185. 1984-p
  186. 2006 Double ear?
  187. Interesting pair of 1973S Proofs
  188. '09 FY WDDO-010 with BIG CLASH
  189. 1994p-1dr-003?
  190. 1934 d rpm ??
  191. another 34 d but not on coppercoins?
  192. 38s #1
  193. 38 d rpm ???
  194. 1982P ddo-001
  195. interesting clash
  196. 1991p-1do-001
  197. 1990 Unbelieveable? NMM Finally got a cam 2day,new pix follow-up
  198. plus BIE error
  199. is this a wavy step?
  200. 1938 S RPM 1 found in Slab
  201. 1979-S T-II Tilted Right High Mintmark
  202. 1937s ddo-004
  203. Another 1960-D RPM
  204. 1984 maybe??
  205. 1974s
  206. 1943-s rpm 2
  207. just found 1942P-1DO-002, CDDO-001
  208. with a die break
  209. 1996 cddo-002
  210. Need help w/ 1944 class IV DDO
  211. BU find
  212. 1995 Possible DDO?
  213. Updates for new dies at coppercoins.com
  214. LP4 Presidency mint set roll
  215. 1968S Proof RPM and DDO???
  216. 1994-p ddr-001
  217. Presidency mint set
  218. Presdiency mint set
  219. 2009 d is this something??
  220. 1985-p 1do-001
  221. New additions to coppercoins.com
  222. 1956 Proof a la Authoritative Reference
  223. A curious case for BJ! Tri-directional trails?
  224. is this anything ??
  225. I am MAD about this 82
  226. whats this ??
  227. i think this is 51 d/s
  228. 1957 d ???
  229. they have a 55 in the cherry pickers just like this
  230. looks like a omm on this 54 s
  231. little help plz
  232. 1941 odd dbld eyelid help pls
  233. Possible RPM 1946-S help pls
  234. is this the 1989P-1DO-002 ?
  235. need help with 1944-D DDO
  236. 1971-p ddo-001
  237. 2009 fy ddr -023
  238. 1960 LMC Small Date
  239. Here's a Different one.
  240. 1999P Wide AM!
  241. Need a pic of 1944P-1DO-009 pls
  242. 1909-1do-001
  243. Its beginning to look a lot like christmas
  244. 1960p ddo-010
  245. Understanding 1936 DDO s
  246. I think it is Class 3
  247. Finally..my 2nd 1988 RDV-006
  248. 1do-005?
  249. 1992-P "Peek-a-boo"
  250. 09 proof ? where can i see the marks for one ??