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  1. 1962 Variety?
  2. Error Die Deterior. | 1964 Variety?
  3. Error Filled Die | Die Error
  4. Error MDD | 1980d Rpm?
  5. Error Die Deterior. | Questionable Steel Cent
  6. Error MDD | 1936 Ddo
  7. Error Other | WIDE "U" In Trust
  8. Post Mint Damage
  9. Error Clash/Break | Double clashed die
  10. Error MDD | Reverse doubling?
  11. Error Die Crack | 1952 D ???
  12. Error Mis-aligned Die | Your opnion of what this is
  13. Error Clash/Break | Another find
  14. Error Clash/Break | 1958 D
  15. Error Planchet | Does this look post mint or mint
  16. Error Die Deterior. | 1936 Variety?
  17. Error Die Crack | Reverse Marks
  18. Error MDD | Triple RPM/Strike?
  19. Error MDD | Proof OMM or MDD
  20. Error Lamination | 1993 Cent Dots
  21. Error MDD | 1941 S machine doubling
  22. Error Clash/Break | 1998 DIE CLASH - Better Pics
  23. Error MDD | Triple Date and MM
  24. Error Clash/Break | Die Chip
  25. 1994 rotated reverse 165 degrees cw
  26. Trails
  27. 1994 rotated reverse 165 degrees ccw
  28. Error MDD | ONE CENT Doubling?
  29. Error MDD | One Cent America, United
  30. Error MDD | DDO or MDD on Date. Your Call
  31. Error MDD | Possible DDO
  32. Error Filled Die | Where's the T
  33. This 1940 Way Off RPM Possible
  34. Error MDD | Is this mint mark normal?
  35. Trail Die
  36. Error Die Crack | Die Chip inside the 9?
  37. Error MDD | MM Hill
  38. Error MDD | 1945
  39. Wide & Close AM's
  40. Trails Found Tonight
  41. Error Other | A little bit of everthing..lol
  42. Error Die Crack | This a die crack?
  43. What's going on with this?
  44. 1983
  45. 1994 Die Trails
  46. 1995-D Unlisted
  47. Error Other | Striations Marks on Reverse
  48. 1956 D.. Close MM2DT
  49. Error Lamination | Lamination Error
  50. Error Lamination | Is this a lamination?
  51. Error Filled Die | 1958 P finds
  52. Error Rotated Die | 1911-D rotated ~20 degrees CCW
  53. Error Die Crack | 1983 Cent with issues
  54. Error Clash/Break | Double Clash
  55. Error Struck Through | Recent Finds
  56. Error Rotated Die | 2001 Rotated
  57. Error Clash/Break | Thought I had a 2006 Doubled Ear...
  58. 2007 P Lava Nickel
  59. Error MDD | 1972 Mdd?
  60. Error MDD | 1984 DDO or MDD?
  61. Error MDD | 1970S rpm1
  62. 1983P Rotated Die
  63. Error MDD | 1937p
  64. 2004 small cud. DDR also?
  65. Error Plating | 1993-D Missing 90% Cu
  66. My Finds Yesterday
  67. 1993 Filled Die
  68. 1986 wierd mound + dbl 6
  69. Error CUD | 1989p
  70. 2008 P Lincoln Cent Question
  71. Error Clash/Break | 1983 Counter Clash
  72. Error Clash/Break | 1975 d clash?
  73. 1981-d Rpm
  74. 1998 with trails
  75. 1995-D Doubled Ear?
  76. 1983 Brass
  77. 1984 LMC Ejection doubling ?
  78. Error Clash/Break | 1983 Counterclash
  79. 1946 lamination
  80. Error Filled Die | 1993 worn die ?
  81. Error MDD | Here's a Strong MDD
  82. 2002-p Lmc
  83. Error Die Crack | 1991
  84. 1971d
  85. Just a few I found...
  86. thin 1944
  87. 1968-s
  88. 2000-p double strike
  89. 2007 Brass Cent
  90. 1999-P Broad Struck
  91. Error Rotated Die | 1994 Rotation Error
  92. 1983-p LMC Die Rotation with Die Clash
  93. Error CUD | 1991 CUD Just found
  94. 2006 Plating error?
  95. Error MDD | 1998p
  96. Error Lamination | 1960P Lamination error
  97. Error Planchet | 1993D Damaged Planchet
  98. Error Plating | 2003P Brass Planchet
  99. Error Plating | 1991P Brass Planchet
  100. Error Clash/Break | 1983p
  101. 2000 P Dropped Letter Lincoln
  102. Error Other | 1982 extended E on Epluribus
  103. A few trails I found today
  104. Error Lamination | 1962 D lamination?
  105. 81 Struck Dime
  106. 1989P "8" in DATE
  107. Nice 1993 prisoner die clash (both sides)
  108. Capped die?
  109. 1987-p droped tie ?
  110. 1946 Lamination & Die Crack
  111. Die Cap or Grease Job
  112. Error Planchet | Blank Planchet found in circulation.
  113. 1991d
  114. Error Die Crack | 1990
  115. Doubled die or MDD?
  116. 1971 S 3 Clips ?
  117. Error Broadstrike | 1999 Broadstrike (Nice!)
  118. Here you go Joe!!
  119. Error Off-Center | 2 More way off!!
  120. 1999 Off Center
  121. 1967 cent is it a lamination error ?
  122. Error Plating | 1995 Struck On Unplated Planchet
  123. 1982 ?
  124. 1947 s
  125. 1991P Lamination ERROR
  126. Error CUD | 1919 Wheat
  127. 1988 cent retained die break?
  128. 1989 MD or DDO?
  129. 1999 error - reverse
  130. 1968 S Proof centThick Planchet"?
  131. Error Planchet | 1944 Clipped???
  132. Error Lamination | 1977d
  133. 1974-P grease or other?
  134. Crack leading to a blob
  135. found a coin
  136. Error Lamination | 1960 D DDO #3 with Lamination?
  137. Error Lamination | 1973d
  138. Error Lamination | 1975 d
  139. 1988-p cud
  140. Error Lamination | 1952-D Sad day for Lincoln
  141. Error Other | 1958 D error
  142. 1983-D Double D
  143. Error Rotated Die | 1994-P Rotaded Reverse 180+ or 160 ?
  144. 1988 off center 75%
  145. Error Lamination | 1921 p
  146. 1956 1DR-001 BIE Error
  147. 1999 rev die break ??
  148. 1999 rev secound error
  149. 1999 obv
  150. Error Die Crack | 2000 rev
  151. Error Planchet | Weak Strike / Underweight Planchet
  152. 1957 d/d & 1do-002
  153. Error Lamination | 1916 p
  154. Would this be split planchet or PMD?
  155. 1969-D Lamination?
  156. 1972 P Interesting Cud West of LIBRETY
  157. 1998p on a thick planchet
  158. 1984 Wire ?
  159. 1991-P Grease obverse/reverse ?
  160. Error Die Crack | 1959-D Die crack?
  161. Error Filled Die | 1953-P Nice Error
  162. Error Off-Center | 1993
  163. Lincoln has bad case of acne
  164. Error CUD | 1989 (?) cud
  165. Error Struck Through | 1997(?) struck through grease (both sides?)
  166. 1982 warped?
  167. Error Multiple Strikes | Fantastic In Collar Double Strike 1982 SDZ
  168. 1947-S cent
  169. Error Struck Through | No-Date struck thru ?
  170. 1958 Small Clip?
  171. 1963D say what?
  172. 1972 P Rim Cud or
  173. Error BIE | 1995p bie
  174. 1987-p machine doubling????
  175. Error Planchet | are eiher of these clipped planchets?
  176. weak strike
  177. 1958 D With Die Chip and Possible RPM.
  178. 1939 lamination
  179. Error Planchet | 1945S Tapered/Rolled Thin Planchet
  180. 1952 D Wheat what do you think?
  181. Concentric Lathe Lines Info
  182. Error Lamination | My best lamination find
  183. Error Clash/Break | 1985-P Reverse Die Clash
  184. Error Clash/Break | 1984 Prisoner and partial date
  185. 1992d
  186. Error CUD | A mini mini rim cud on a 1956D
  187. 1995P-1DER-025T or is it?
  188. 2009 errors already??
  189. 1999-1DER-005WS Obverse #2
  190. Error Mis-aligned Die | Double misaligned die
  191. Error Lamination | Die Crack and a Lamination Example
  192. 2007D Obverse Trails
  193. 2008p
  194. Error CUD | 1984-p cud
  195. Coin Show Finds - some known, some not..
  196. 1995D-1DER-009T Without the Die Markers?
  197. Error Lamination | 1935s
  198. 2008 trail
  199. Error Other | 1988-P Looks strange?
  200. Error MDD | 1983d (Mechanical Doubling)
  201. Error Struck Through | 1972-P Any idea what it is?
  202. Error CUD | 1988-P Major Reverse CUD
  203. Error Other | 1964 doubled U in TRUST (Die Dent)
  204. Error Clash/Break | Beautiful Die Clash found last night...(OBV/REV)
  205. 1999 Reverse Trails 300 Degrees
  206. Error Clash/Break | 1995P Rev Die Break
  207. Error Die Crack | 1995 p
  208. 1984 DDO or MDD?
  209. New Die!!!!
  210. 1983 clo-002
  211. Error Clash/Break | 2007p
  212. Error Other | Partial Collar
  213. Error Die Crack | Speared Cabin
  214. Error Struck Through | 1975-p
  215. Error Broadstrike | 2001 p
  216. Error Lamination | 1941-P Lamination?
  217. Error CUD | 1982 Beauty
  218. Error Multiple Strikes | need help with this one!!!!
  219. Error Planchet | Clipped or nipped
  220. Error Lamination | 1961-D Lamination Error
  221. Error Clash/Break | How can you tell if it's a Hub break or Laminated die?
  222. Error Die Crack | 1863 Indian Cent
  223. 1998-P reverse die trails
  224. 1975-s/d lincoln ?.
  225. Error Other | 1970/0 Reverse - check this out
  226. Error Planchet | 1979-P Clip
  227. 2003-D error?
  228. Error MDD | Possible D over D?
  229. Error Lamination | 1952-S With Large Lamination
  230. Error Lamination | 1920, 1930, 1948 Laminations
  231. Error MDD | 1990-P Doubled eye
  232. Error Off-Center | 2000 brockage strike, 35% off-center and broadstruck
  233. Error Struck Through | Cloth/obverse
  234. Error Other | 1968-d ???????????
  235. Error Struck Through | 2001-P Obverse/Reverse Greased?
  236. Error Die Crack | die crack
  237. Error Clash/Break | 1960P BU Retained Die Break
  238. Error CUD | 198x-p cud
  239. Error Filled Die | 198? p week strike?
  240. Error Other | PMD of Straight Clip?
  241. Error Struck Through | 1981P Struck through grease
  242. Error Rotated Die | 2005 D about 25 degrees CCW
  243. Error CUD | 1975-p cud
  244. Error Off-Center | No date
  245. Error Other | What is this called?
  246. Error CUD | cud?
  247. Error CUD | 1n god (cud) trust
  248. Error Planchet | Pre strike or post strike
  249. Error CUD | 1998 Double Error Cent
  250. Error Rotated Die | 1966-P Rotated Die.