This are many dies similar to this one but the die markers are different and none of them are doubled dies.This die is similar to 1998P- 028,032,043 and 051.This is alot of die scapes or feeder finger damage to this coin.I hope this pans out to be a new find.
New Major Traildie/Doubled Die
Tags: None
I definitely see the great trails on the coin. However, I am not as sure for the doubled die. The pictures are blurry, and I think clearer pictures would give us all better insight on it. -
Great trail die you got there, and those other things might be something. If you can't match it, send it to BJ or Bob. They're sure to be able to render an opinion on the possible doubling as well.
WendellWendell Carper
It's a bird! It's a plane! Aw nuts... It's merely two die scratches!Comment
Well this is another trail find from 2 weeks ago when most of the guys from was absent.Hopeful one of them can weigh in on the find..And to all other thanks for viewing and commenting!!Comment
It does seem like trails mixed in with a die scrape. The DDR is hard to call - usually those minor doubled columns extend vertically more than what is shown here - they could be blisters, gouges or tied into the die scrape somehow. One of us will have to do an in hand examination on it to determine...Bob or BJ might be the best choice with calling the DDR...
Jason Cuvelier - - -
(images © Jason Cuvelier 2008-18)___________________Comment
I am thinking it might be a combo die (Trails and DDR). The DDR might be too minor to list in the coppercoins files (others may list it), but the trails are definitely listable.Bob Piazza
Former Lincoln Cent Attributer Coppercoins.comComment