Darn the Luck!!!!! I thought I had found a new 62-D RPM, because there are very few South West. Turns out, after looking at the ones I found; over and over it's RPM#16. The Old RPM Book pic, I could not see the upper serif. Pulled the one I bought years ago and Bingo!!! Darn I hoped for something new in the 60's.
Does anyone else collect varieties for the credit of being the first reported? I would say that i'm guilty of this habit. I have a first reported by CONECA for all the centuries except 1930's and of course 1909 but that doesn't count!
Does anyone else collect varieties for the credit of being the first reported? I would say that i'm guilty of this habit. I have a first reported by CONECA for all the centuries except 1930's and of course 1909 but that doesn't count!
