Darn the Luck!

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  • eaxtellcoin
    Paid Member

    • Jan 2008
    • 2086


    Darn the Luck!

    Darn the Luck!!!!! I thought I had found a new 62-D RPM, because there are very few South West. Turns out, after looking at the ones I found; over and over it's RPM#16. The Old RPM Book pic, I could not see the upper serif. Pulled the one I bought years ago and Bingo!!! Darn I hoped for something new in the 60's.

    Does anyone else collect varieties for the credit of being the first reported? I would say that i'm guilty of this habit. I have a first reported by CONECA for all the centuries except 1930's and of course 1909 but that doesn't count!
    Attached Files
  • DoubleYou
    • Sep 2010
    • 3629

    Not I. I collect them and hope they've been reported already. It's the unreported varieties that are tough to verify. LOL. That doesn't mean that I haven't had my fair share of new listings. They just seem to find me, and then sit on my desk for a long time, and maybe one day get sent to an attributer. Meanwhile I hope someone else discovers it so I don't have to. ROFL.

    By the way, Nice find!
    Wendell Carper
    It's a bird! It's a plane! Aw nuts... It's merely two die scratches!


    • enamel7
      Paid Member

      • Apr 2009
      • 4038

      I know of at least one member that does!


      • hasfam
        Paid Member

        • May 2009
        • 6291

        Eric, did you mean decades instead of centuries?
        I don't think much about first listings. I'm kind of like Wendell. The stuff I find that i can't attribute will sit in a seperate pile somewhere forever either until it shows up as a new listing by someone else or I get around to sending in to someone for attribution.
        On the other hand, I remember about 9 or 10 years ago i sold an unattributed 1988 DDO on ebay to Billy who emailed me to say it was a new die DDO. He said he was going to add it to his new book at the time and was nice enough to say he would credit me with the listing, even though he actually now owned the coin. I was on cloud nine for a week. My first new discovery and my name was going to be in a book. Not sure if that worked out like that, and i've had a few more new listings since then, but don't get that cloud nine feeling much any more. I think I'm just happy that my skills have improved over the years enough for me to recognize a variety even when its not listed somewhere.
        My LCR Photo Album of Graded Lincoln Cent Cherry Picker Varieties


        • eaxtellcoin
          Paid Member

          • Jan 2008
          • 2086

          Yea Rock - Meant Decades. It kinda keeps me going with all this. Looking back it wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't picked it up early before rolls became so scarce and searched. I can remember 10 Years ago buying 56-58-D rolls for $2 a piece. Look where there at now!

