I know it is not a big deal, but it has been over a year since my last WAM find. WAMs are a little tough down here in Texas.
FINALLY!!! Yeah Me!!
I ran out of "Thanks" to give. Wish there was a way to fix that, because it is one of the features I like this forum for. So anyways....THANKS to all of you.
Pman, I have only found three in two years of searching. Being in Kansas you can feel my pain when it comes to these. Just remember, we can find RPMs a heck of a lot easier than them darn Easterners."If Free Speech stops when someone gets offended, it is not really Free Speech."Comment
You're right about us "Middle of the US" folks getting more rpms than WAMs. I've only found one 98, and two 00 WAMs, but have a bunch of RPMs in a little over six months of searching. Congrats! Bill"Enjoy Every Sandwich"- Warren Zevon
One of my other hobbies, Old Boys Rugby: http://mrhaz1978.blogspot.com/Comment