1st time finding this nice RPM, but it's a mess. What a shame. I think this would be a great looking variety in BU condition.
Found 1987-D RPM-005 but what a shame
Found 1987-D RPM-005 but what a shame
My LCR Photo Album of Graded Lincoln Cent Cherry Picker VarietiesTags: None -
I love that one Rock, just sold one in the trading post. To the best of my knowledge, with the exception of the contested D in the Date for 1987, it's the most widely spaced RPM of the 80s. Great pics too![B][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2]Chris & Charity Welch- [COLOR=red]LIVEAN[/COLOR][COLOR=black]DIE[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]VARIETIES[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Purveyors of Modern Treasure [/FONT]Comment
WOW! Amazing RPM. Excellent find. This is one i have never seen before. I think I'm still in shock. I will have to keep my eye out for this!Casey ParmanComment
Use a little of BadThad's stuff on that one Rock, It does pretty well at taking crud of off zincs.
That is a nice one to find, I traded for mine...Comment
Do a quick, and I mean quick, acetone bath. Then use Verdi-care. As stated it does a great job, plus it will help protect it. Afterwards put it in a flip. I do this to all of my "problem" coins, and have been very satisfied. This also reminds me to order some more. I do wish Thad would offer some sort of LCR discount, or at the very least a loyal customer discount. Ah, I digress."If Free Speech stops when someone gets offended, it is not really Free Speech."Comment