1956 1DR-001 BIE Error

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  • 1gtsfan
    • Jul 2008
    • 518


    1956 1DR-001 BIE Error

    I cherry picked this as my first BIE Error, is this supposed to have the BIE Error or is that extra?
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  • fugnchill

    I don't think I understand what your trying to ask. "Is this suppose to have the BIE error or is it extra?"
    BIE errors are die cracks between the letters of the B and E of Liberty. There are multiple varieties of this anomoly such as: LIIBERTY, LIBEIRTY or LIBERITY. Really it's just a die crack between any of the letters of liberty and quite a few people collect them. There is a 1956-D RPM with a BIE error that is pretty rare, I think it was EDS. I see the "cracked skull" and the crack on the bottom of the bust which could/would turn into a cull but not sure really what your asking.



    • 1gtsfan
      • Jul 2008
      • 518

      I think this is a DDR, is it supposed to have the BIE Error.


      • fugnchill

        I see what your talking about now. On PLURIBUS the extra metal is die deterioration. Normal wear from die use, this is what I was trying to describe to Pennies in another post about the difference between strike doubling and die deterioration. This is somewhat rounded and flows away from the detail (letter), kind of looks like a die chip. I don't see anything on the wheat stem and the T of CENT has a die chip which is a die marker of a different RPM. The BIE is never suppose to be there, that's just a bonus.


        Here's the post that I mentioned above:http://www.lincolncentresource.net/f...ead.php?t=2517
        Last edited by Guest; 01-06-2009, 11:37 PM.


        • 1gtsfan
          • Jul 2008
          • 518

          I'm trying to match this coin to the one listed on coppercoins.com as 1-DR-001.


          • fugnchill

            oh ok, I just checked real quick but don't see the die gouges around OF and the crack on the skull is higher on your coin (it's like most of the ones that I see) and the die crack on the vertical bar of the T is starting from the bottom side not the direct bottom as seen on Coppercoins. The one pictured on Coppercoins is a LDS class 6 which is extra thickness of the lettering. Yours looks like just a LDS...sorry. I've never been to good at recognizing class 6 doubling but feel confident about this one. I know others would correct me if I'm wrong though.


