2014-P VDB ?
Just on this one example, or all the 2014s ? -
What about it appears abnormal?-Sean
Search started in Sep 2011. 913,650 cents searched as of 9/24/13.Comment
It is caused by machine doubling. The incuse designs get larger with machine doubling. Hub doubling reduces the overall shape of a doubled die on incuse devices. Here is a side by side of a normal die and incuse doubled devices.
Richard S. Cooper Some have asked about my images I use, and I'm glad to say I've completed a DVD of these. Ask if you are interested. Newer members like these.Comment
MD on an incuse design is different than normal because on a normal design the MD takes a chunk/step out of the normal design where the flat area overlaps onto it.
On the incuse area it does not take anything out of the first/normal design but it adds onto it.
The reason is that as the flat area may overlap the normal/first design but the normal part is incuse so the flat over incuse does not destroy what was there so it stays along with what it adds from the second bounce.Comment
It's just something that happens with the striking of that incuse area on Lincolns.
Jason Cuvelier
MadDieClashes.com - ErrorVariety.com
TrailDies.com - Error-ref.com - Port.Cuvelier.org
(images © Jason Cuvelier 2008-18)___________________Comment