Master Die Doubling - 1930s thru 1979

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  • mustbebob
    Lincoln Cent Variety Expert
    • Jul 2008
    • 12756


    Master Die Doubling - 1930s thru 1979

    I have this list of Master Die Doubling that goes from the 30's until 1979. If we can make a sticky out of it, then please do!


    1932: (P,D) Underneath the upper part of the 32 of the date.

    1935: (P,D,S) Inside the lower portion of the 5 of the date.

    1937: MMD on the top of the 7 of the date.

    1937: MMD on IN GOD WE TRUST, eye and the right side of 937.

    1938: (P,D,S) Doubling inside the lower loop and on the bottom of the 8.

    1938: (P,D,S) Doubling of the 8 in date.

    1940: MDD of the 40 of the date.

    1944: MDD on the last two 4's of the date.

    1946: (P,D,S) Doubling on nose, lips, chin, throat, chest and bow tie.

    1948: (P,D,S) Light extra thickness on all lettering and date, especially in TRUST.

    1952: MDD on the date.

    1955: (P,D,S) Master die damage caused doubling in the upper 'BE' of LIBERTY

    1955: (P,D,S) Doubling on lower LIBERTY.

    1957: MDD on GOD
    1957: (P,D,Pr) MDD on 'D WE' of GOD WE.

    1958: (P,D) MDD on the upper left part of the 8

    1960: MDD on the 'E' of WE (lg date).

    1960: (P,D,Pr) IN GOD WE TRUST. (Small date)

    1961: (P,D,Pr) IN GOD WE TRUST and date.

    1962: (Pr) On date.

    1964: MDD on the crosslet of the 4 of the date

    1965: The 5 of the date has a notch in the center where the curve meets the upright.

    1970: (P,D,S) Extra bar under L of LIBERTY and over 7 of date.***Currently not considered MDD

    1970: (P,D,S) Extra bar over 7 of date. .***Currently not considered MDD

    1970: (P,D,S) Below horizontal cross bar of 7 and below 0 of date. .***Currently not considered MDD

    1970: (P,D,S) Extra bar above 'L' of LIBERTY. .***Currently not considered MDD

    1972: (P,D,S,Pr) LIBERTY, IN GOD WE TRUST and 2 of the date.

    1973: The center of the 3 of the date shows a split.

    1974: Two different date sizes for this year. Large date and Small date.

    1979D: The lower corner broke off the mint mark punch showing a split serif
    Last edited by jfines69; 12-18-2017, 03:24 PM.
    Bob Piazza
    Former Lincoln Cent Attributer
  • VAB2013
    Forum Ambassador
    • Nov 2013
    • 12351

    Thank you very much for this list Bob and thank you Mods for making this a sticky!

    I've been studying Master Die Doubling and this is great information! Question please, is the 1974 large date considered to be Master Die Doubling?


    • GrumpyEd
      • Jan 2013
      • 7229

      How about the 60 SD, the doubling on the 6 on all of them, is that a master die doubling?


      • mustbebob
        Lincoln Cent Variety Expert
        • Jul 2008
        • 12756

        is the 1974 large date considered to be Master Die Doubling?
        No. it is a design change

        60 SD, the doubling on the 6 on all of them
        Yes. This doubling is seen on all coins that were struck by hubs and dies made by the Master Die.
        Bob Piazza
        Former Lincoln Cent Attributer

