View Full Version : 1956 D/d Rpm #16

01-20-2008, 10:59 AM
Found this one at the coin show. Price: 65 cents. I have a difficult time getting a good pictures of this one. The secondary D is much easier to see than the pictures show.

01-20-2008, 01:13 PM
Nice one... One that I haven't found YET..

01-21-2008, 08:27 PM
Nice, I found both of mine in a bag of wheats I bought from a dealer. Both were sent to ANACS and came back MS65RD... I sold the spare privately for $4--.--

01-21-2008, 09:00 PM
I'm trying to decide what to do with this one. I already have a MS 65. Sell it on Ebay, slab it..then sell it on Ebay, Hold on to it....

01-22-2008, 06:15 PM
With the economy as poor as it is. I'd hold on to it, have it slabbed as long as your confident it's at least UNC, spend the $20 to slab and sell later. I have 3 MS63-65 56-D RPM#8's that i'm pretty sure are Stage A, I'm having them slabbed by ICG. James will attribute the die state,""Labeled on Holder""" with Die and grade. The last group I did through Coneca was $18.00 a coin... and I get the Die stage on the holder!!!!! This helps greatly on those few coins that die stage matters

01-22-2008, 06:22 PM
With the economy as poor as it is. I'd hold on to it, have it slabbed as long as your confident it's at least UNC, spend the $20 to slab and sell later. I have 3 MS63-65 56-D RPM#8's that i'm pretty sure are Stage A, I'm having them slabbed by ICG. James will attribute the die state,""Labeled on Holder""" with Die and grade. The last group I did through Coneca was $18.00 a coin... and I get the Die stage on the holder!!!!! This helps greatly on those few coins that die stage matters
I'm interested in seeing how the economy will impact price and demand for coins.

01-22-2008, 06:29 PM
It is already, I havn't seen it in the big dealers yet but they have to turn there stock over. once it becomes tough on the common stuff we may see prices fall.. Hard to tell since silver is $15-16 an ounce....