This one had eluded me for a while. Here's a nice 1923-S RPM-1/WRPM-1 cent. There was only one die scratch remaining on my coin, present between T and Y of LIBERTY, though markers aren't really needed. I purchased this one off ebay on September 28 for $20. In spite of the wide spread, it's a tough one to see the doubling on, so I took photos of the RPM at a sharp angle with different planes of view, as well as a straight on shot for mint mark position.
1923-S RPM-1 (1).jpg1923-S RPM-1 (2).jpg1923-S RPM-1 (3).jpg1923-S RPM-1 (4).jpg1923-S RPM-1 (5).jpg1923-S RPM-1 (6).jpg1923-S RPM-1 (7).jpg
1923-S RPM-1 (1).jpg1923-S RPM-1 (2).jpg1923-S RPM-1 (3).jpg1923-S RPM-1 (4).jpg1923-S RPM-1 (5).jpg1923-S RPM-1 (6).jpg1923-S RPM-1 (7).jpg