Here is a well circulated 1960 D RPM CC 1MM - 113 sure are a lot of these rpms, took awhile to find it. The die scratches are hard to see due to circulation ware. The mint mark matches along with some other anomalies. Please have a look ................dinkyblue
1960 D SD RPM CC 1MM 113
Thank you Roller for that comment, it wasn't easy to find this one took a little time but that is alright I seem to have a lot of time due to the covi-19 virus. I pointed out some anomalies in my post that match up with CC 1MM 113 and VV 113. Thanks for looking............DanComment
Yikes!!. 113? Bet that fun to match up.. I have tubes of 60s that I wont even try to match. If its just some splits serifs, tube they go! Some 61s too
Great job on finding it, ill just take your word for it...lolComment