Tough coin to ID because the markers are not very distinguished but I think I got one despite the head gash. I can see the doubling but it isa MDS example. Here is the Coppercoins Ref: e=mds

1929 S DDO 1
Tags: None
Not meaning to rain on this parade, but I am not seeing that this is DDO-1 or that DDO-1=1DO-1. North-South all three look very close, but East-West they all seem very different and DDO-1 appears to have a CW tilt [even after factoring in the crooked pic].
Not able to post the comparisons using CC and VV pics.Last edited by TPring; 01-19-2024, 11:12 PM.Comment
Rain is always welcome. I tried to use my magnifier and a cell phone shot but it just is too much light. Can I send it to you for a looksy ??