View Full Version : 1949-S Class 3s and a 1947-S class 6
Wheat Cents
02-18-2008, 10:27 AM
Here are some pics of a couple MS65 bought over the last few months two 1949-S Class 3s and a 1947-S class 6 . Class threes are neat ! Coneca at the moment only lists one. Coppercoins lists three ...However I own five , four of which all have different diemarkers! ( and dig this is in a PCGS MS-66 slab ) Coinquest - J.W. bought one from me a couple years back, so who knows ..maybe eventually will see others listed in the CONECA files.
[quote=Wheat Cents;2691] Class threes are neat ! Coneca at the moment only lists one. quote]
You must not be counting proof ddos.
Wheat Cents
02-18-2008, 12:50 PM
Correct. In circulation Lincoln Cents class III are not common ...
Not many proofs either.
In the CONECA DDO listings I believe there are five proof listings. And are all in the Cherry Picker's Guide:
Not a lot of them :
1960 PR-1-O-III; FS-01-1960-101; PR-2-O-III; FS-01-1960-102 ;
PR-3-O-II-C+III (3); FS-01-1960-103
1960-D 1-O-III; FS-01-1960D-101
and the 1970-S PR-3-O-III; FS-01-1970S-102
As Dr Wiles once emailed me regrading the 1949-S Class III DDO " These are not common and one
of only a small handfull of class III doubled dies for the series"
02-22-2008, 03:28 PM
I would love to get these class IIIs listed in the CONECA files. Please drop me an email.
James Wiles
02-22-2008, 03:43 PM
James - I have both dies. If you want, they can be in the mail in the morning.
02-22-2008, 04:01 PM
BJ: That would be great. I just checked mine against coppercoins and it appears that CONECA DDO-001 is his #3. So if you have 1 and 2 then that would complete the confirmed listings so far.
02-22-2008, 05:03 PM
James - I just did an overlay on what I thought was the Coppercoins die #1. It turned out to be die # 3 or CONECA die # 1. At least I now know that the LDS Coppercoins # 3 looses the majority of its die markers when compared to the MDS coin. Sorry to get your hopes up and I will be on the look out for the first two Coppercoins dies.
Wheat Cents
02-23-2008, 10:29 AM
If you need a few more for markers ... can get some of these together and send them too.
I believe Joe Rizdy may have a few... can email him..
Wheat Cents
02-23-2008, 10:51 AM
also a couple questions for Mr Neff and Mr Wiles ....
Does any one know if amoungst 49s class III DDOs if there's been talk that there are actually 2 MM varieties?
Coppercoins lists three 49-S III DDOs but only one of those is listed as having an an RPM. Some where I seem to recall there were two MM varieties
Also if photos become available can they be posted on Variety Vista or posted on LC resource?
Would love to see 'em so as to compare.
Thanks ..