View Full Version : Lincoln Cent Varieties and Odds and Ends found today March 2nd.

Wheat Cents
03-02-2008, 03:29 PM
Some known and unkown Lincoln Cent Varieties. Along with some other Odds and Ends found today March 2nd.

1. A 1930-D Die Chip Breen 2121. A neat looking coin. The 0 in the date is completely filled.

2. Then a 1944-S RPM-009

3. A master doubled die common on most 1944 Lincolns. This one is my favorite a 1944S MD-1-O-VII MMS-006 (Ball serif)

4. A couple pics of the 1948D-MM01-008

5. A 1950-S WRPM-024 and a WRPM-039.

Finally a couple of unknowns another 1950-S RPM and a 1956-D tilt.

Wheat Cents
03-02-2008, 03:44 PM
and a few more including a 1957-D and a 1958-D RPM unknown.

Also though not a Die Variety...also posted 4 pics of a 1958-D w / no rim. (or maybe more proper to say a type one rim (not raised) . Can't seem to relate it to anything seen in The Error Coin Encyclopedia. Can not put a description to it. Mike D. would probably know. Checkout the side of the coin...

Also three different 1960-D with chips similar to the 30-D found today and pictured in the previous post and also a second 1944S displaying a fairly nice master doubled die. MD-1-O-VII MMS-006 (Ball serif)

03-02-2008, 04:47 PM
I think the '58-D may have been an encased novelty cent which has been freed from it's casing. That would make it post-mint damage.

03-02-2008, 06:34 PM
Here's a 55 that had been encased........

03-02-2008, 07:00 PM
Here's a 55 that had been encased........
Steven, does the edge look similar to Wheat's '58-D?

03-02-2008, 07:47 PM
I didn't have a photo of the edge on file but I will see if I can locate it. I have a few of these but don't get them out to look at often.

03-02-2008, 08:06 PM
Here is the 55 edge photo of the coin I posted above....

Wheat Cents
03-02-2008, 08:38 PM
Thanks Guys... been reading your post replys. Steven thanks for the photos for comparison. It may be an encased Lincoln. Some other interesting things about this coin which the photos seem to show is that on my 58-D there are no rims. In appears on Steven's 55 the rims are full and visible. The 58-D is almost as flat as a planchet. Comparing the diamenter of the 58-D to another by simply by holding it and another together and placing their edges on a flat surface at the same time.... the 58D is definitly smaller. So I weighed it. It is lighter.

Another cool feature is... Due to a die clash Lincoln's "ghostly mirror image " is easily seen through this planchet on the reverse. So much so that it appears as reverse wear on the pics posted. It was hard for the QX3 to pick this feature. However I showed the coin to my kid and we had a laugh. The image bears a strong likeness to a profile of Homer Simpson.

Anyway.. has made for so some good Sunday Evening laughs.

03-02-2008, 09:46 PM
Another cool feature is... The image bears a strong likeness to a profile of Homer Simpson.

List it like that on Ebay... you'll probably score BIG.:LOL_Hair:

P.S. Thanks Steven.