I'm a long-time, hardcore collector of Lincoln cents. I collector other coins, but not very seriously, for Lincolns are my love. IMO, the Lincoln series is the most interesting and complex coin series in the world due to it's 100+ year history.
By trade, I'm a Senior Analytical Chemist for a metalworking fluid company. Obviously, I have a strong interest in the scientific interaction between metals and fluids. I not only work in the development of such fluids, but I also have at my disposal all the instrumentation to perform analyses on them. For numismatic purposes my favorite instument is an SEM-EDXRF (Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence). SAY WHAT? LOL In a nutshell, I can look at the surface of a coin VERY closely and I can tell you what elements are present at ANY point on the surface. OK, enough about me for now....
I have a million ideas for progressing the hobby but I don't have a million hours to complete all the things I'd like to see. It's easy to understand the lucky few that dedicate their time and most of their life to the series. I sincerely appreciate their efforts.
My goal is to randomly toss ideas I have out there. Perhaps someone with more time will take them up or I'll have the time someday to begin working on my ideas.
Check back, I'll post my ideas as they come to me!