I'm beginning to become frustrated because I am not completely understanding all the lingo and 'errors' that people are posting.

I know I'm not a dummy, not that one would label me as one, a pest maybe, a dummy, no. But sometimes I just don't get it

I doubt what I see, then I doubt what I don't see. I know that in all due time it will come full circle to me and that one day I will look back and say...what an idiot I was!

Everyday I search through my stores float for pennies and other coins I find interesting. Even though I feel clueless, I enjoy doing it anyway.

I'm anxious for my arrival of 'sampler' coins given to me from a generous co-hort here on this forum/website. Every day I anticpate...is it here yet when I see my mailman.

I know my likelihood of being a fantastic collector like most on here are slim to none and nor do I desire to be. I guess I kind of feel left out. How childish is that? Meh, it is what I feel.

I keep peering through my tiny little handheld and montrous light to see what fine details are on the lovely coin beneath me.

I question, I research, I question again and then I compare to another. Then I will set it aside and look again later or throw it into my dunno-what-to-do with cup that is overflowing now. Regardless I enjoy it and that is the whole part of it.

As my signature says...whatever you do...do it with passion.

I, like all others on here, have a passion for detail, uniqueness, finding flaws and errors and the whole indescribable rush of looking at each and every single coin.

(Oh man my spelling sucks!)

I don't know what I'm doing but I sure am in the right place. The people here on this site are wonderful people. They are helpful, full of insight and books-ful of information.

I am glad I'm here and now that I am done writing what I am feeling....I don't feel so frustrated.