OK... I just want to vent.
for those who disagree with me, lost a mom and dont want to be reminded, or think I am just not right.
LCF is my escape from all and any of my problem... and I need to let this out.
Most people wont read this... so.

Why do we have Mothers Day
it is great for .... Some MOTHERS

but the people who have lost one or more baby's, lost their mothers, have children or step children who have issues and don't call, cant call, or have mental breakdowns, or Husbands who don't know what to do for their wives,,,,,

This day is just one long a__ reminder of all the...
hurt, pain, suffering, loneliness, discomfort, overall distress, trouble, and all around harted of one self because life is not perfect!

The husbands have to try and balance their moms (who they may or may not get along with) and the wives feeling. We are confused
Children need to remember moms they lost... but this day hurts
Women who have lost a child or miscarried... I don't know what to say.. this day makes them long for that touch again... or think they are not worth happiness!

I HATE THIS DAY FOR SOOOOooo many reasons
people need this day.. but some of us need our normal messed up life more

IF you want to tell me anything about this.... PM me
I have alot going on with 3 families right now... Me and my wife and son... wives family... my family....
but I will respond
Know that I don't think like this every day
Mother's Day is one of the hardest days in my life.
Thank You for letting me rant
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